Former Texas Democrat Says Latino Voters Shift To Republicans Because of Then Candidate Joe Biden in 2020 Elections

Former Texas Democrat Says Latino Voters Shift To Republicans Because of Then Candidate Joe Biden in 2020 Elections
Former Rep. Beto O'Rourke demured the loss of Latino voters to Republicans because then-candidate Joe Biden set up shockwaves in 2020 that are still felt now. Rick Kern/Getty Images for Latino Victory Project

Former Texas Democrat representative Beto O'Rourke calls the disastrous shift of Latino voters in the 2020 elections to the Republicans due to the candidature of Joe Biden. These voters are critical to winning because they can boost votes in the electoral process, which can be deadly for Democrats in Texas during the midterm elections.

Democratic Party To Rue What Bodes for Next Elections

O' Rourke believes that the shift of Latino votes to the GOP is significant, but the majority of Democrats have taken it for granted, reported The Epoch Times.

On September 24, while attending the Texas Tribune Festival, he added that then-candidate Biden passed up going to the Rio Grande Valley or was not seen in Texas instead of courting Latinos.

This was a lost chance that Donald Trump and the GOP used, giving dividends to but zero for the president's party. He explained that not meeting with the people whose votes are required will not work; there is no way to gain or lose these votes.

Dems Believe Latinos Would Not Bail Out From Them

Overall, the headlines screamed that Hispanics and Latinos had impacted the 2020 elections, notwithstanding the candidate Joe Biden. The former Texas Democrat representative is baffled that candidate Trump got the most Latino voters in 2020 than in 2016 for Republicans.

As shown by Pew Research, Trump's acceptance among Hispanic voters multiplied by 10%, from 28% to 38%. Moreover, Biden garnered 59 percent of Hispanic ballots, relatively flat from 62 percent for Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Hispanic votes transitioned substantially in South Texas, a traditionally Democratic enclave. For instance, in 2020, Trump got Zapata County, which Clinton gained by 33 percentage points in 2016.

The Democrat remarked that Republicans came prepared with a strong, persuasive economic agenda when asked about the GOP transition in Texas.

He stated that Trump said jobs and added another choice; either stay indoors during the pandemic or find employment and jumpstart the economy that will benefit them most. Furthermore, saying that the Dems did nothing and now this is the reality, Latinos prefer Republicans.

Midterm Victory Secured With GOP Latino Acceptance

Undeniably, the GOP has significantly benefited from the Hispanic community in Texas. Republican Mayra Flores won a special election in June, vanquishing Democrat Dan Sanchez by around eight percentage points.

Flores delivered a significant victory as only the second Republican to unseat the Democrat stronghold in the Rio Grande Valley congressional district, as well as the first true blue Mexican-born Republican to win a seat in the Texas legislature.

Former Representative O'Rourke will run against Republican Gov. Greg Abbott in the November midterm elections, pledging that his party will not make the same mistakes two years ago.

He admitted the party was mistaken that it cost votes from the alienated black and Latino voters, which caused the costly transition and would never happen again. One of his skills is Spanish, which might come in handy.

New polls show that Abbott is ahead by 9% in a survey released on September 19. The GOP governor is pushing for a third term that seems likely over O'Rourke.

Former Texas Democrat O' Rourke says capturing Latino voters was the key for Republicans, and then-candidate Joe Biden, made it all possible, yielding a huge loss of seats in the midterm elections.
