
Possible J-20 and F-35 Second Encounter: Chinese Stealth Fighters Pushed Unknown Foreign Jets To Leave ADIZ

Possible J-20 and  F-35 Second Encounter: Chinese Stealth Fighters Pushed Unknown Foreign Jets To Leave ADIZ
The Chinese Stealth J-20 combat patrols over the East China Sea allegedly intercepted F-35 5th generation fighters, but such reports remain to be verified. WANG ZHAO/AFP via Getty Images

The deployment of Chinese J-20 combat patrols over the East China Sea by the PLA has led to suspected contact with unidentified fighter jets, possibly the 5th generation F-35s.

These alleged encounter happened were released on October 13; nothing was verified, but the American stealth fighter is the best candidate.

F-35 5th Generation Stealth Fighters

The US 5th generation fighter is the sole other class of fighter that is in production and mustered at squadron level strength, and is the most obvious suspect and vigorously operates in the geographical area where both the US and Japanese fleets, reported Military Watch Magazine.

An earlier contact between the Mighty Dragon and the Joint Strike Fighter will be a first; it occurred in 2022 and was acknowledged by the Commander of the United States. General Kenneth Wilsbach of the Pacific Air Forces, noted SCMP.

He commented at the time that the Air Force had been "comparatively pleasantly surprised with both the command and control attributed to the J-20," also with the service having since committed quite extensively to instructing F-35 units specifically to confront J-20s.

In contrast, both 5th-generation fighters are effective in their performance; they have cutting-edge avionics and stealth when matched to older generations.

Mighty Dragon vs. F-35 Lightning II

Joint Strike fighters are light and have a single engine, but have more produced to date, but that numerical superiority is whittled down by the Mighty Dragon with more missiles or bombs, per The Diplomat.

It is an air superiority fighter with a longer range, a higher operational attitude, and, lastly, can outmaneuver opponents. The Chinese stealth J-20 combat patrols are best suited to deal with F-35s.

The Chinese stealth jet started patrols of the East and South China Seas in April, with revitalized 4th generation classes like the Su-35 and J-16 having initially shouldered the hardship of such operations.

A second encounter was verified by the 9th Air Brigade located at Wuhu, which challenged the incoming unknown airplane in the Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). Radio messages blared, telling the unknowns to leave Chinese airspace immediately, citing Turonzamin.

Senior Colonel Li Debing, a brigade pilot, told an outlet well after interaction with unknown US jets and stated that the navy and air forces have indeed accomplished regular control and management over the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone, with J-20s performing regular combat alert missions (CAP).

The J-20 had established a rapidly expanding chunk of Chinese fighter units in production, having expanded substantially when the airframe was first delivered to the PLA in 2016, and is expected to grow even further dramatically.

Its abilities have markedly increased, with current demos of an entirely new skill level stoking rumors that the airframe must have probably incorporated thrust-vectoring engines.

Equipping it with supercruise-capable WS-10C engines in the middle of 2019, the US stealth fight lacks this option.

China and the US are the only ones with a full squadron of 5th-generation fighters and are now getting 6th-generation fighters by 2030. On the contrary, advanced technology is the bailiwick of China.

Inclusion of the Chinese stealth J-20 combat patrols around places where F-35s might try to dash for info, but the heavier fighter is capable.

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