Bill Nye Worries about Kids Becoming ‘Scientifically Illiterate’

Bill Nye, Planetary Society's CEO, told Bill Maher in his show Real Time with Bill Maher that he is worried that children today are becoming "scientifically illiterate."

Famously known as the Science Guy, Nye made the statement in relation to teaching creationism and climate change denial. Nye has recently engaged in a debate with Creationist Ken Ham, who is the president of the Creationist Museum.

According to Nye, he worries that children exposed to the teachings of creationism and climate change denial might grow up to be "scientifically illiterate".

"Mr. Ham and the grown-ups, they can do what they want, but my concern is for the students, for the kids in the commonwealth of Kentucky [where the museum is located] ... that are brought up with this," Nye said in the interview. "Then they're taught, 'Oh yes, people are going to oppose you as you grow up' ... because they are wrong and unsupportable."

During their debate, Ham quipped that the word "science" has been changed by secularists. However, Nye stated that if we accept Ham's point of view that the Bible can be read as a science text, then we should also believe what Ham says than what we see in Nature.

Secularists are people who believe in two principles: the separation of religion from state; and the equality of religions and beliefs before the law.

On the other hand, Maher told Nye that engaging people is important. He said that although Richard Dawkins told him to "ignore them", Maher told Dawkins that "Not as long as they are a majority - you still have to engage."

Maher also noted that it is hurts him to think that there are people who don't believe in climate change and claims that the world is only 6,000 years old.

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