U.S Secretary of State Mocks Those in Denial of Climate Change

U.S Secretary of State John Kerry described climate change as the world's "most fearsome weapon" and mocked those in-denial of its existence.

In January, a new survey revealed that the number of Americans doubting the occurrence of climate change has increased by seven percent just between April and November 2013.

An agreement between the United States and China about fighting climate change was formed to encourage other countries like India and Indonesia to do the same. U.S and China produce the most carbon dioxide emissions and other gases which cause the atmosphere to trap solar heat and speed up global warming. They are committed to take on steps that will reduce greenhouse gases, such as reduction of vehicle emissions, improving energy efficiency of buildings and other measures.

According to scientists, climate change is the root cause of drought, wildfires, rising sea levels, melting polar ice, plant and animal extinctions and other extreme conditions.

"We simply don't have time to let a few loud interest groups hijack the climate conversation," Kerry said in the conference in front of Indonesian students. He refers to "big companies" that is reluctant to join the movement against climate change, spend money, and take action to decrease the risks of the global phenomenon. Kerry also stated that oil and coal companies are primary offenders of the movement to combat the effects of climate change.

"The science is unequivocal, and those who refuse to believe it are simply burying their heads in the sand," Kerry added. "We don't have time for a meeting anywhere of the Flat Earth Society."

He then discussed recent weather disasters such as flooding and typhoons in Asia, and their implications on fishing, commerce, agriculture, and the living conditions of those affected. He suggests that one of the most possible solutions is to create a policy mandating the use of cleaner, alternative fuel technologies rather than using fossil fuels. U.S President Barrack Obama is supporting this idea, and other world leaders should do the same.

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