
Vladimir Putin Ominously Warns Macron That Another Hiroshima, Nagasaki May Happen; Causes West’s Fear of Nuclear Attack

Vladimir Putin Ominously Warns Macron That Another Hiroshima, Nagasaki May Happen; Causes West’s Fear of Nuclear Attack
In a phone conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron, Russian President Vladimir Putin warns that a similar to Hiroshima, Nagasaki nuclear attack may happen. MIKHAIL METZEL/Sputnik/AFP via Getty Images

In a discussion with Emmanuel Macron, Russian President Vladimir Putin sparked terrifying reactions by making veiled references to Hiroshima and Nagasaki as possible future nuclear attack.

The Sun said that the clever Russian leader is expected to bring up to Macron the nuclear attacks on the two Japanese cities, since this is an instance of winning without threatening to nuke national capitals close to the end of World War II.

Vladimir Putin Warns Emmanuel Macron

Emperor Hirohito was compelled to submit to the allied troops in 1945 after the US launched the first atomic strikes, which caused 129,000 to 226,000 casualties. Because Ukraine isn't losing on the battlefield, according to Western media, Putin is accused with plotting nuclear attacks.

The French president said that a source considered the comments to be particularly disturbing. According to a Daily Mail report based on unverified sources, the Russian president will order a strategic nuclear attack in eastern Ukraine but will leave Kyiv alone.

The use of nuclear weapons was brought up in the debate by one unnamed person from the French government. In his remarks to Emmanuel Macron, the Russian president implied that everything is possible and that the policy for unleashing nuclear weapons as in Hiroshima and Nagasaki is still in effect.

After that, No. 10 felt uncomfortable with the dialogue because Prime Minister Liz Truss was so worried about the weather. Should a blast occur, the UK would be affected. The former British PM was being informed by British spies that Vladimir Putin is purportedly prepared to take the risk of a nuclear attack, as per The Mirror.

Another is if Ukraine crossed one of the Kremlin's red lines by attacking Russia or the Crimea, which led to the Kerch Bridge being firebombed. According to a previous threat, the Kremlin will defend its territory with all available measures.

Another Hiroshima, Nagasaki-Like Nuke Attack Might Happen

According to Western sources, Russian generals are allegedly considering using tactical nuclear weapons to reverse the purported trend. Without confirming the facts, US spies are attempting to spread the erroneous notion that nuclear options are on the table.

They assert that Putin has been excluded from discussions on nuclear escalation in some Kremlin groups. John F. Kirby, a spokesperson of the National Security Council, declined to comment; he suggested there was no information on insiders in Moscow but emphasized the existence of nuclear options.

According to information, the 6,000 warhead nuclear arsenal in Russian possession is capable of killing 200-300 million people. Up to 2,000 tactical nuclear warheads have been stored ready for use in resisting non-nuclear armed forces. These may be used for the first time; they might be used in artillery pieces or even missiles. Nuclear weapons, although having a lower yield, are more lethal since they cause more harm and expose Ukraine to nuclear radiation.

According to NATO allies and US allies of Kyiv, the dirty bomb authorized by the Ukrainian government is false. The Times also reported that a nuclear bomb might be launched at the border. Macron was taken aback when Vladimir Putin brought up Hiroshima and Nagasaki and said that a nuclear assault on non-capitals may have the same effect.

Vladimir putin, Hiroshima, Russia, Ukraine
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