An enraged black bear attacked and mauled a dog walker; after her, Shin Tzu went after the animals' cubs. It was not the usual walk after the wild bear assaulted the woman.
Black Bear Attacks Dogwalker
The victim, identified as Sarah Dietl, 43, had 15 stitches put in her scalp and got a hand mangled by the animal. After her dog, Bodhi, ticked off the large mammal, reported Express UK.
The attack happened last Wednesday when she took out the dog at 10 p.m.
"While out for a walk, the dog took notice of a litter of bear cubs, then ran after them as they ran up a tree," commented officials.
The mother bear saw the pet dog scare her cubs and was very angry; the next thing, the animal charged out of nowhere. The mother bear was furious, said Dietl, as it tried to bite her head.
Dietl spoke to the Brattleboro Reformer and described that she saw the large carnivore lunge at her from the dark. The attack would have been worse, but she got away from harm when her partner, Robert Montouro, was there to save her from the animal's clutches. He struck the huge beast hard with a flashlight.
Next, they ran for dear life to their house while the enraged black bear chased them. The door was slammed in the livid beast's face.
Dogwalker, Shih Tzu Survives
The struggle to survive the bear's wild assault had caused the Shih Tzu owners to forget their pet that was left outside during the chaos, but Bodhi was found safe and scared, noted the Winhall police.
It did not happen in the wilderness but in a residential area in Vermont, US, where there are condos in Winhall, a town in the Green Mountains, where large carnivores are seen a lot. The police said that none of the injuries gotten by Dietl were fatal.
After a ferocious attack from the bear, Sarah was let out of the Southwestern Vermont Medical Center in Bennington on Thursday. According to the wardens, the bear and cubs have not been found yet and still roam free in their vicinity.
Game wardens who investigated the animal attack called attention to pumpkins outside the complex; bird feeders are attractions for the local mammals.
Changes in the environment are causing a collision of human and animal communities.
Local bears are not getting close to humans by accident; their food supply is decreasing with less rain and abnormal temperatures as the leading causes.
For the record, fully grown female bears are about 80 kg in weight and range in height from five to seven feet if they stand upright. Officials state more bears are coming into contact with humans at the most basic level.
According to Jaclyn Comeau, leader of the Wildlife Biologist and Black Bear Project, bears attacking humans are less common. Though it was made clear that locals must not be reckless with their food scraps, those should be secured well, or bears will come.
These mammals are getting bold due to people in the community not taking measures to avoid deadly encounters. The enraged black bear attacked a dogwalker because her Shih Tzu chased its cubs, but she survived the attack.