To the horror of a mortified crew when a killer whale pack attacks and demolishes their yacht than occurred out of nowhere. Those onboard said the attack happened in the Atlantic Sea as the orca encircled their boat.
Killer Whale Pack Randomly Attacks Yacht
Those onboard the sinking boat was horrified as the alpha predators measuring 25 feet attacked the French-owned boat on the Portugal Coast, reported Sun UK.
They related the animals went in circles and took turns ramming the boat for 45-minutes; it sank after that. Sailing to the north of Porto, when the orca pod cornered the boat, they attacked the boat unexpectedly. Whales took turns in destroying the rudder, noted Daily Nation Today.
The footage was taken as the 12-meter vessel was taking in water from the relentless bashing of the orca pod. Water can be seen to the waist level of the terrified four sailors, and everything on the boat was floating all over. The video shows one of the crews lying in the flooding cabin on the radio, requesting help from the coastguard while terror ensued.
Yacht Crew Recalls Killer Whale Attack
The boat's skipper, Eliott Boyard, spoke to TF1 and said he heard a huge crash on the hull while he was at the wheel. A pod of five to seven orcas was intent on tearing off the rudder.
A killer whale pack took turns biting the rudder a few times; the hull where the rudder was located got damaged and caused a leak. In a panic, the mortified crew got into the life raft before the damaged boat got sunk from the damage.
They found out the pod had left by the time the crew boarded the small raft. Elliot feared that the boat would sink. He added the orcas were in the water when they boarded the raft, but the whales left after leaving the sinking ship. Fortunately, the four-man crew was able to land on the shore in one piece.
Researchers have noticed that orcas attack the Atlantic coast of Spain and Portugal. Boats were told to stay berthed in the ports at night after a video showed the savage orcas trying to overturn boats. Many who experienced the orcas' attack had lived the terror of a pod of these whales ramming boats for a long time, even targeting the rudder smartly.
A few videos are other incidents reported with scenes of the nearly thirty-foot, toothed cetaceans shown in organized attacks on boats. About 230 incidents involving these intelligent mammals were reported in coastal Spain and Portugal in only two years. It was either an aggressive approach or an all-out attack.
The Straits of Gibraltar is along the whale's migration route, and they usually visit the area to feast on tuna.
More Boats Attacked by Orcas in Portugal
Last August, a tourist boat got wrecked by a pod of them. Measuring 20 feet long, they smashed the hull open in the side of the ship in Sines; tourists had to get off immediately.
An expert suggested that poachers have angered an orca pod by making revenge attacks for its wounded member. These animals have a good memory.
In absolute horror when a killer whale pack damaged a yacht while the mortified crew onboard were cringing in fear due to a probable revenge attack.
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