George Zimmerman Tells CNN He Wants To Become A Lawyer

During an interview with CNN on Monday, George Zimmerman said he hopes to become a lawyer to "stop the miscarriage of justice," the New York Daily News reported.

"I think that's the best way to stop the miscarriage of justice that happened to me from happening to somebody else," he said, referring to the controversy surrounding the death of Trayvon Martin. "I don't think it should ever happen to anyone ever again, not one person."

However, he would not directly answer whether or not he regretted killing Martin -- which he claimed was out of self-defense -- due to a federal investigation.

Zimmerman did say his life would be "tremendously easier" if he had decided to stay home that night in February 2012.

Ever since his not guilty verdict was handed down in July of last year, Zimmerman popped up in the spotlight for speeding tickets and domestic violence incidents. He was also planning on participating in a celebrity boxing match with DMX, though the event is not scheduled to happen anymore.

"I never expected it to turn out the way it did," Zimmerman claimed. "It was going to be an unknown person, a small event."

Additionally, he recently told a Spanish media outlet that he's in over $2 million worth of debt and suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Despite his social and financial troubles, he doesn't plan on leaving Florida anytime soon.

"I'll leave my home when I want to leave my home," he said. "I'll move when I want to."