Stimulus Check 2022: Don't Ignore IRS Letter as You May Receive More Than $6,000 Either from Your State or from Feds

Stimulus Check 2022: Don't Ignore IRS Letter as You May Receive More Than $6,000 Either from Your State or from Feds
An IRS letter might be good news for you! So don't ignore it as it may indicate that a stimulus check of up to $6,000 is waiting for you to claim. Pexels

Don't be alarmed if you receive a letter from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS); it may indicate that a stimulus check is owed to you and has to be claimed.

The Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, and Stimulus Payments are still owed to almost 9 million Americans, according to a mid-October IRS announcement.

Federal Stimulus Checks

This year, the IRS has extended the deadline for using its free filing tool by one month, until November 17. Even if you don't have children, you may still file a tax return for 2021 via and claim the benefit.

Even for those who don't often file, the quick file tool speeds up the procedure, although those who miss the November deadline can still submit a 2021 tax return. According to CNBC, tax filers typically have three years to claim any credits for which they are qualified.

Since the IRS didn't have their information on file from a recent tax return, many of those folks initially didn't get their payments. For instance, those with very little or no income are exempt from paying taxes. Families can claim this credit, even if they received monthly advance payments during the final half of 2021. The total credit for each kid may reach $3,600.

The EITC offers tax breaks to individuals and families with low to moderate incomes. The EITC was increased under the American Rescue Plan, bringing the maximum benefit for childless employees to $1,502. For those with one child, the credit is $3,618, for those with two children, $5,980, and for those with three or more children, $6,728.

The third stimulus check is worth $1,400 for each qualified adult, with an additional $1,400 for each eligible child or dependent adult. The qualifying income threshold is $150,000 or less for married couples, $75,000 or less for single taxpayers, and $112,500 or less if the taxpayer is the head of the household.

Above such levels, the credit gradually disappears. The IRS advises individuals who are due any of the three benefits to submit electronically in order to get their money as soon as possible, according to The Hill.

State Stimulus Checks Deadlines

Although a large portion of the stimulus payment has already been distributed, several states will continue mailing payments into November and beyond. Here is a brief summary of the remaining state stimulus payments, as per GoBankingRates:


On October 7, California started paying payments ranging from $200 to $1,050, but they will continue through January 2023. However, the state's Franchise Tax Board anticipates that by December 31, 2022, 95% of payments will have reached citizens' hands.


By September 30, 2022, Colorado will pay single filers $750 and joint filers $1,500. Those who requested an extension to file their tax returns, however, could not get their money until January 31, 2023.


The majority of Idaho's stimulus payments have already been distributed, however, refunds for late filers will be distributed throughout 2022 and into 2023. In Idaho, two stimulus payments were approved.

First, the larger of $75 or 12% of the tax liability of the taxpayer before credits and other adjustments, and second, the greater of $300 for single filers ($600 for joint filers) or 10% of the tax liability before credits and other adjustments.


Illinois started making stimulus checks in September 2022, although the process is still in progress and is anticipated to extend for the majority of the remaining calendar year. A property tax rebate as well as an income tax rebate are available to eligible households in the form of up to two separate payments.

The initial payment is $50 plus up to three further payments of $100 per dependent. Up to $300, the property tax rebate is equal to the property tax credit that the filer requested on their return.


Maine allowed payments in the amount of $850 per individual or $1,700 for married couples, and they started to be sent in June. However, as long as tax returns are still being submitted in 2022, payments will still be made.


The State of Massachusetts has approved stimulus payments, which are scheduled to start in November 2022. The refunds are anticipated to equal around 14% of a filer's state income tax obligation for 2021.

New Jersey

Payments are expected to be distributed no later than May 2023, and only New Jersey residents who owned or rented a principal property in the state as of October 1, 2019, will be qualified. Renters who meet the requirements will earn $450, while homeowners whose family income is no more than $250 000 will receive either $1,000 or $1,500.


In August 2022, Pennsylvania started issuing property tax/rent refund cheques. Renters and homeowners in Pennsylvania are receiving a reward that may be up to $650 depending on their income and other qualifying circumstances. Payments are expected to continue through 2023, but eligible people must submit a claim before the year is up.

Rhode Island

On October 3, Rhode Island started distributing payments for child tax rebates to eligible families. Payments made to taxpayers who requested an extension on their tax returns would not be received until December 2022. Each qualified child in eligible families receives a check for $250, up to a maximum of $750.

South Carolina

South Carolina will distribute tax credits to eligible people by December 31, 2022, although late filers may not get their money until March 2023. Although the reimbursement amount hasn't been decided upon yet, it will at the very least be $700 and may even be more.
