Jane Lynch Applauds Ellen Page For Coming Out, Says She 'Should Give Herself A Break'

During an interview with People magazine on Saturday, Jane Lynch praised Ellen Page for coming out as a lesbian and explained she dealt with the same experience as a young woman, the New York Daily News reported.

"When I was younger, I lied by omission," said Lynch, who is openly gay. "She should give herself a break and not call it 'lying.'"

Page, 26, revealed the truth about her sexuality during a speech at an LGBT youth conference on Friday in Las Vegas.

"I am tired of hiding," she told the crowd. "I'm here today because I am gay. And because maybe I can make a difference. To help others have an easier and more hopeful time. Regardless, for me, I feel a personal obligation and a social responsibility."

Lynch told People that she definitely understands what Page is going through, adding she knows "what it is to feel like you can't be open and honest about your orientation."

Following her powerful speech, met by a standing ovation, thousands of people took to social media to express their support for the "Beyond Two Souls" actress -- including many celebrities.

"Hey @EllenPage...Be my valentine? #respect," tweeted "House of Cards" actress Kate Mara.

Page also used her own Twitter account to thank everyone for supporting her after her big announcement.

"Just wanted to take a moment to say how moved I am by all the support. I feel profoundly grateful right now. xxxx," she said.