The one-time bonus Property Tax/Rent Rebate has begun to be sent by Pennsylvania to qualifying residents. Hurry if you haven't already done so, since the deadline for the bonus tax rebate from Pennsylvania is quickly approaching.
Governor Tom Wolf also reminded Pennsylvanians who are eligible for the tax rebate to submit their applications before the year-end deadline yesterday.
How to Apply For PA Bonus Tax Rebates?
Gov. Wolf proposed earlier this year to provide more funds to elderly and disabled Pennsylvanians who are eligible for a rebate on rent or property taxes paid in 2021.
A one-time bonus tax rebate equivalent to 70% of their first rebate is given to qualifying residents of Pennsylvania under the Property Tax/Rent Rebate (PTRR) Program. They will still receive their yearly reimbursement in addition to this one-time tax rebate, according to Value Walk.
The main goal of this one-time rebate is to give the most disadvantaged locals additional assistance while they continue to recover financially from the COVID-19 pandemic. To distribute the refund money, Pennsylvania is utilizing around $140 million in financing from the American Rescue Plan Act.
There is no additional action required on the part of those who have already submitted an application (PA-1000) for a rebate on real estate taxes or rent paid in 2021 to receive the rebate funds. The tax break will be given to them automatically, as per 247wallst.
Those who are qualified for the rebate but have not yet submitted an application must do so. The deadline to submit an application for Pennsylvania's bonus tax rebate is December 31, 2022. Also on Thursday, Governor Wolf reminded citizens of the deadline in a press statement.
By going to myPATH, the Department of Revenue's online application system, qualified residents who haven't yet submitted an application can do so and be eligible for the bonus tax rebate from Pennsylvania. Applying with myPATH is simple because users don't need to login. On the website revenue.pa.gov/ptrr, a paper application for the same is also accessible.
Who's Eligible For The Program?
It should be emphasized that submitting a reimbursement application is free. Additionally, free help is offered at a number of places around the state, including the local Area Agencies on Aging, senior centers, state lawmakers' offices, and district offices of the Department of Revenue. The department's online customer service center is another place where applicants may get help.
Visit the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program page on the Department of Revenue website for additional details on the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program in Pennsylvania, including qualifying conditions.
The claimants of the Property Tax/Rent Rebate program for 2021 will get letters in the mail, it must be noted. The entire refund amount that the claimants will receive, including the initial rebate for the 2021 claim year and the one-time bonus rebate, will be specified in the letter.
Per The Washington Examiner, Pennsylvanians over the age of 65, widows and widowers older than 50, and disabled individuals older than 18 are all eligible for the program. The upper income ceiling is $15,000 for renters and $35,000 for homeowners. According to the department website, residents will get the rebates by check or direct deposit, just like they normally do.