Finland Concludes NATO Bid Without Sweden, Erdogan Says

Finland Concludes NATO Bid Without Sweden, Erdogan Says
Erdogan says that Finland could complete their NATO bid, without Sweden, after problems with Stockholm. Denis Doyle/Getty Images

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke to young voters on TV and said that Finland could complete its NATO bid, but Sweden won't. Such comments from Ankara came in the wake of events during the accession talks with the two Nordic countries.

Erdogan Decides on Nordic Nations' NATO Bids

The two Nordic nations pushed their bid to become a NATO member after the Donbas saw Russian forces roll in at the start of the conflict, according to Express UK.

All the members of the military bloc must approve the aspirant to be part of it. Turkey and Hungary are the two left as holdouts that have yet to approve it in their parliaments. Despite the stalling tactics played out, we will still see Hungary allowing these two nations. Ankara has not committed despite the pressure on it.

Ankara has not seen Stockholm comply with the agreement that it does something about its troublesome association with the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), called a terrorist organization by Ankara, the US, and European Union, BBC reported.

The Turkish government expressed dissatisfaction that Stockholm is not willing to fulfill the memoranda of an agreement to send suspects who are part of Kurdish militants and all its critics. Turkey stressed that Sweden could not join NATO if the terrorists were not extradited to Ankara.

Sweden Shocked with Finland

Last Sunday, the Turkish leader said that he considers Finland more favorable, which will shock Sweden, as they were expected to be accepted together.

The Nordic country was given a list of 120 people to be extradited as the agreement dictates. Turkey stressed that no extradition means no acceptance to NATO.

The recent protests in Stockholm have aggravated Ankara, where the burning of the Quran was seen, leading to a postponed discussion with the two nations, per Arab News.

Turkey's Foreign Affairs considered it a serious insult in a statement it issued. Remarked it is against Islam that attacks Muslims and values, done via freedom of expression as unacceptable. Even if the Swedish government had not condoned it, their laws still upheld the rights of free speech.

One of the groups showing their support for the Kurds and even hung an upside-down effigy of the Turkish leader on a lamppost close to Stockholm City Hall. It angered Turkish authorities for doing nothing. Although one concession Stockholm allows is the inclusion of a constitutional amendment that permits the Government to make more anti-terrorism laws that Ankara wants.

Furthermore, the two Nordic nations were able to lift the bans on the embargo on the sale of military hardware to Ankara when Turkey went into Syria in 2019.

A supposed agreement with Helsinki and Stockholm at odds with each other leads to another end. Both might continue their bids independently, which will only get one accepted.

On Thursday, the Finnish Foreign Minister, Pekka Haavisto, mentioned that the instances should be assessed. He referred to the problem of Stockholm getting accepted. He added that having co bid partner join was initially optional.

Erdogan expressed disappointment that Sweden and its NATO bid will not get supported, but Finland could be the exception.

Finland, Sweden