Chancellor Olaf Scholz mentioned that efforts to drum up support for Ukraine failed miserably after South American support did not register. Kyiv is desperate to get other nations in line with it, to the point its foreign ministry lambasts those against it.
No South American Support for Ukraine
Scholz did not make the mark by not gaining allies for Kyiv, trying to have more countries backing Kyiv in the Ukrainian conflict. But the Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula de Silva says the two are parties to the war, per Almayadeen.
The Chancellor thanked the South American countries he toured, including Argentina, Chile, and Brazil. They expressed opposition to the Russia-Ukraine war in the United Nations General Assembly, reported US News.
Recent events have made it necessary for Europe to have stronger links with the Brazilian government, as the former leader did not foster good relations with them.
During a joint press engagement in Brazil, the German leader was disappointed by Lula's reaction to his statement, which offset the intended goal of the visit itself. Lula remarked that Russia did something wrong by invading its neighbor, but they need to make peace, as mentioned by Euroactiv.
The apparent goal of the visit was to secure a promise by Brazil to supply ammunition that Ukraine needs for German Gepard anti-aircraft guns, cited Military Today. Scholz tried to convince the Brazilian leader that it would bring peace, but it was denied.
Chancellor Scholz Fails To Get Support From Latin America
While on tour, Argentina and Chile's governments condemned the Ukraine war but did not buy the tagline sold by Scholz. Ukraine will have to scrounge someplace else.
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Argentine President Alberto Fernandez commented that Latin America and Buenos Aires would not prolong the war by sending weapons but would instead assist in rebuilding Kyiv.
Scholz took the time to see the memorial of Argentina and Chile dedicated to the victims of military regimes at one point in their history. While there, he made an analogy to the events now happening in Iran, mentioning how young people are killed and drawing attention to the young woman killed by the Iranian morality police.
German government officials say they understand how Latin America is not in line with the US and its allies but stress that their viewpoint is the most valid.
Germany Sign Memorandum of Agreement with Chile
The discussions in Chile were more attuned to getting these Latin Americans to accept the Ukrainian regime than a convincing attitude. The German leader is more interested in deals to have Germany-based firms get lithium which the Chileans have. Even dangling support for sustainable mining.
One of the highlights of the Scholz visit is the signing of cooperation deals in technology and innovation, mining with economic matters vital to the Chilean sector.
Those who co-signed the deals were Chile-owned Codelco and Aurubis, the largest copper supplier in Europe, as a memorandum of understanding was made to cement this coop deal.
It must be noted that Chancellor Scholz had yet to get any South American support that Ukraine needs and is now getting desperate due to this.
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