Google's Glass Etiquettes For Explorers With A List Of Do’s And Don’ts

Google officially laid a set of do's and don'ts for the current Glass Explorers and warned not to be "creepy or rude" while exploring the world around you.

Google officially announced a set of do's and don'ts for its Glass Explorers. Since the Glass is still not available commercially and select number of users got the opportunity to buy one through the Google Explorer Program, it raised several new questions on how the device works. Google thinks of its Explorers as the ambassadors when wearing its hi-tech computer eyewear and expects them to be polite in answering the questions surrounding the Glass.

Addressing the current Explorers, Google gave a list of do's and don'ts that can improve the overall experience of Glass and build positivity around it.

Google wants its Glass users to take advantage of the in-built features, but be aware of the surroundings at the same place, like using voice commands in situations where both hands are occupied with things like golfing or cooking. This can help users look up how many ounces in a cup while cooking or take a snap or video of the perfect strike.

Google's suggestions mostly highlight basic etiquettes like it requires users to seek permission before taking a video or a photo of others. It also says the Glass is equipped with functions similar to a mobile phone so at places where it is advised to switch off a phone, Google wants its Explorers to turn off the Glass too. Google Glass owners are asked not to be "creepy or rude" when bombarded with questions about the glass, and to simply not wear it to avoid interruptions during a private dinner or meeting.

"Breaking the rules or being rude will not get businesses excited about Glass and will ruin it for other Explorers," Google said in an unsigned message.

These suggestions are optional and are put forward to improve the Glass experience for its users and non-users.

Google, Glass, List