Scientific investigation using cosmic rays on Egypt's Great Pyramid finds a hidden corridor about 30 feet long hidden until now. A device called an endoscope revealed the secret passage on the North Side of the Giza Pyramid just about its known entrance.
Study on Egypt's Great Pyramid
The Great Pyramid was erected during Pharoah Khufu on the Giza plateau, which rises to 456 feet. Called a wonder of the ancient world as the tallest structure until 1311, England's Lincoln Cathedral's 525 feet height made it second, reported by Live Science.
Evidence that it lies over the ancient entrance reveals a horizontal chamber that is 30 feet long and 6.6 feet by 6.6 feet in height and width. Found at the back of the chevron shape seen on the exterior of the pyramid post in March, noted Nature Communications.
Researchers investigated the void via an endoscope slipped in the corridor to take a peek on February 24. No artifacts were seen in the space. The study's chief author Sébastien Procureur, a physicist linked to the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, verified the find, as mentioned in Research Gate.
Rumors that they would find the burial chamber of Khufu anytime soon were discounted.
Hidden Corridor Discovered Using Cosmic Rays
A device scanning with muons which are elementary particles that are negatively charged, is preset if X-rays bump into atmosphere atoms. Such energy particle is absorbed by the pyramid's stone so that the muon detector sees only a few centimeters. Another is using ground radar to get more input about the secret passage.
In 2016, a void on the north side was announced, and scholars have verified the passageway. In 2017, a larger space of about 98 feet was detected over the grand gallery. Zahi Hawass stated on March 2 that a 30-foot passage lessens the stress from the weight of stones. The purpose of the chevron structure is to spread out weight, cited Ahram Online.
Procureur agrees with the chevron's function in the pyramid structure by saying it's the initial test of the chevron part of the construction. It was applied in the portion of the pyramid, he said.
Swansea University Egyptologist Reg Clark, who is not part of the study, said the small gabled roofed corridor prevented stress over the pyramid's original descending entrance passage. Additionally, it might not hold any relics.
He stated that passage is part of the way pyramids were built, deemed practical innovations. Any fanciful dreams there will be mysteries is unfounded and speculative only. These pyramids have been subject to wistful thinking by many, and the discovery adds to that.
Use of powerful muon detectors to there are artifacts in the secret corridor and the void over the grand gallery.
Egypt's Great Pyramid of Giza has a 30-foot hidden corridor discovered using cosmic rays absorbed by the stone. A large void in the grand gallery found earlier could also hold something inside.