- EU centralization must be lessened, as stressed by the Polish premiere
- Poland fears that the Brussels-led Euro super-state would compromise European values.
- Polish premiere says compensation from Berlin will foster unity in the bloc.
Polish Premiere Mateusz Morawiecki lambasted moves towards EU centralization last Monday, which could become counterproductive for member states. He gave several notions that Brussels should consider when dealing with policies in the bloc.
Polish PM Against EU Centralization
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki stated at a lecture at Heidelberg University in Germany that Russia must be stopped to avoid Lithuanian or Polish blood on the battlefield, reported Anews.
He stated that nation states could not be replaced because they are central to giving citizens freedom, rights, and liberties, with sovereignty granted by nation states. Shifted the discussion by saying that Europe is at a more critical crossroads than the collapse of communism. Added that these peaceful changes are allegedly under threat via Russia's military operations noted Anadolu.
Reacted to Brussels attempts to develop a European super-state which discounts independence of nation states. This super state will have one leader, and one decision that will be Brussels making all the decisions.
Bloc Should Drop Counterproductive Moves
Opposing features of this Euro super state are that elites decide what goes and only the most powerful EU nations will hold power. Lesser members will not agree and cause dissension because of censorship, and contrasting ideologies will not be acceptable, said Mateusz Morawiecki.
What is supposed to be a utopia is going to a dictatorship characterized by a stone-cold bureaucracy that fails and instead causes conflict. He added that the EU must extend its borders but against total unification to majority voting in the bloc.
Germany Owes Poland War Damages
The Polish PM mentioned the history of Warsaw- Berlin in terms of their relations but stressed the Germans owe the Poles for their conduct in World War 2. He added that it was not an important part of his speech but could not be left out. Warsaw asked but never got any reparations from Germany due to damages caused by the war.
He mentioned that Poland and Germany are economic partners who are mutually dependent. Berlin has Warsaw as the fifth largest trade partner that will be upgraded to the fourth soon. In contrast, compared to Moscow is only in the 16th rung as an economic buddy.
Morawiecki included that his country still felt the effects of the second world war when Poland lost many years after becoming part of the iron curtain. Explained that they needed to be compensated for the wrongdoings done to Warsaw to reconcile the victim and the aggressor. Stressed that it's needed about its place in European history that requires reconciliation to face challenges today.
Last September 1, 2022, Warsaw showed a report that referred to damages suffered in WW2. The cost of $1.3 trillion is what Germany has to pay but was rejected, cited AP News.
Between the EU centralization, the Polish PM sees it as antithetical to keeping the state independent, not part of an EU super-state that does not foster European values. Avoiding favoring states over others is counterproductive at most. The subject of compensation comes when Ukraine stresses most bloc members. Germany refuses to pay for anything that impacts Polish claims.
Related Article: Poland Does Not Accept Germany's Denial of Compensations Suffered by Warsaw in World War 2