
Hot Air Balloon Pilot Who Jumped Leaving Couple to Die Has Been Detained

The hot air balloon reportedly had an issue with its gas system.

A hot air balloon pilot is detained after a tragic incident wherein he reportedly abandoned a couple in the burning aircraft, leaving them to die.

Although the Mexican pilot has jumped safely from the burning hot air balloon, he is now in custody.

Hot Air Balloon Pilot Charged

As per a report by Lab Bible, a pilot, Victor Guzmán, was flying a hot air balloon that carried a family for a leisurely ride in Mexico City. But as they were in the air, the aircraft became janky. It had an issue with its gas system, which covered the balloon in flames.

The pilot of the balloon reportedly jumped to save himself from the fire. However, it turns out that he abandoned his passengers, a couple named Jose Nolasco and Viridiana Becerilli. They were reportedly left in the aircraft, perishing into the flames that engulfed the balloon.

Even if the pilot survived the hot air balloon crash, he still had to undergo treatment after receiving a second-degree burn on his arm and face. But upon being discharged from the hospital, Lad Bible notes in its report that he was placed in custody.

The Daily Mail reports that Guzman admitted to Mexican authorities that he had abandoned his passengers during the terrifying incident. He explains that he got caught off guard when the balloon started burning. So he was uncertain about what action to take. Instead, he jumped 16 feet off the ground from the aircraft, leaving the couple to die.

Hot Air Balloon
A hot air balloon is seen over the Pyramid of the Moon in Teotihuacan, Mexico State, during the spring equinox celebration on March 20, 2023. CLAUDIO CRUZ/AFP via Getty Images

Couple's Daughter Survives

What should have been a memorable flight turned into a terrifying experience for the 13-year-old daughter of the couple who reportedly survived the crash. The kid has successfully jumped from the ride.

According to The New York Post, the couple's daughter decided to jump 130 feet above ground from the burning balloon. And as such, she ended up breaking her arm. On top of that, the kid also had to deal with second-degree burns due to the fire.

The child's grandmother told the Daily Mail that she is still in the hospital, recovering from the hot air balloon incident.

She reportedly narrated what happened during the terrifying scenario to her family member. The daughter of the couple recalls that she hugged her parents before she went ahead to jump from the balloon.

The balloon ride was supposed to be a leisurely experience for the family. It should have allowed them to check out the pre-Hispanic Teotihuacan run site, which gives an aerial view of the Aztec pyramids.

Right now, the Federal Aviation Agency is investigating the fatal hot air balloon crash, which took a couple's life.


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