Two American Security Officers Found Dead On Maersk Alabama Ship

Two American security officers were found dead on the Maersk Alabama ship on Tuesday, CNN reported.

The ship, which was featured in the film "Captain Phillips," was stationed in Port Victoria in the Indian Ocean archipelago. Officials in Seychelles announced the death of the men, both 44-years-old, on Wednesday.

Police said the victims, both former Navy SEALs, worked for the Trident Security Firm USA.

Tom Rothrauff, the president of Trident, said they were not on duty at the time and did not die while carrying out a security operation. However, details of their death remain unclear.

"A postmortem will be carried out this week in order to establish the cause of their sudden deaths," police said, adding the investigation is ongoing.

According to Senior Chief Petty Officer Daniel Tremper, the U.S. Coast Guard is aware of the deaths and is investigating, but "due to the nature of the investigation, that will be about all that we can provide right now."

Authorities said the two men were found when a co-worker went to check on one of them around 4:30 p.m.

The movie "Captain Phillips," starring Tom Hanks, portrayed the 2009 hijacking of the Maersk Alabama by Somali pirates, which ended with a rescue mission by Navy SEALs. Three of the pirates were killed and the fourth was arrested.