Philadelphia police estimated that roughly 1 million dimes, worth around $100,000, have been stolen from a cargo truck in a recent coin heist at a Walmart parking lot.
The truck hauled these staggering amounts of dimes from the United States Mint. The cargo vehicle was supposed to bring the dimes to Florida, but thieves daringly stole these coins.
About 1 Million Dimes Stolen from a Truck in Philadelphia
As per a report by NBC News, a recent cargo truck theft amusingly centers on about 1 million dimes, which should be worth around $100,000, according to the police. The thieves got their hands on only a fraction of what was in the truck. The police disclosed that the trailer carried roughly $750,000 worth of dimes.
Philadelphia Police Captain John Ryan revealed to reporters that the cargo trailer picked up these coins from the US Mint before the driver parked it at the Walmart lot. He parked the vehicle overnight to sleep before heading to Florida in the morning.
While the driver of their cargo trailer was at home, the thieves carried out their elaborate heist. The police say that perpetrators break into the truck with loads of dimes using what looks to be a bolt cutter.
The New York Post reports that Ryan notes the thieves seemingly tried to cross-load these coins into other things as they attempted to steal them. In the process, they left numerous dimes across the Walmart parking lot. The police caption adds, "There's dime all over the parking lot, all down the street."

Police Investigate Philadelphia Coin Heist
How the thieves cross-loaded, around 1 million dimes still needs to be determined. The police say that they are still investigating the incident. And as such, they have not carried out any arrest as of writing.
According to NBC Philadelphia, the police captain explains that truck drivers normally park their trailers overnight before they drive in the morning. Ryan claims it is "common practice with drivers to pick up loads." "They park the truck overnight to get on the road in the morning," he adds.
The US Mint told NBC that the Police Department of Philadelphia is investigating the recent theft involving approximately one million dimes.
But on top of that, the Acting Chief of Public Affairs at the US Mint, John Chu, says, "The Mint has implemented countermeasures to aid in the prevention of similar types of thefts in the future." Chu went on to note that the owner of the cargo truck is insured against such thefts.
The police reveal that Philadelphia cargo theft is becoming more common these days. Recent heists involved looting alcohol, TVs, and food like chicken and lamb.