Slovakia Now Bans Ukraine Food Import Following Poland, Hungary

Other central and eastern European countries are issuing similar stance.

A Ukrainian serviceman sets his cap straigh as he participates in holding the national flag beore it raises to the flagpole during a ceremony marking the first anniversary of the retreat of Russian troops from the Ukrainian town of Bucha, in Bucha, near Kyiv, on March 31, 2023. SERGEI SUPINSKY/AFP via Getty Images

Slovakia has banned food imports from Ukraine, following other European countries, such as Poland and Hungary. Its latest move comes despite the previous warning the European Union (EU) issued against such a move.

The latest ban on Ukraine's agriculture imports comes shortly after Hungary threatened to extend its grain ban. The latter urges the EU to kick off measures that would help protect Hungarian farmers.

Slovakia Bans Ukraine Food Import

Slovakia has announced that it will ban some agricultural imports from Ukraine. France24 reports that the government of Slovakia confirmed that it has already approved the ban. Other countries in central and eastern Europe are reportedly issuing a similar stance.

However, the Slovakian country clarifies that the new measure skips on grains. And as such, it will continue to import grains from Ukraine despite the ban on other food products. The latest move seeks to protect the interest of farmers in the country amid the significantly low prices of Ukrainian food.

According to Financial Times, Slovakia's ban takes place even as the EU disapproved of the temporary pause in imports. The European Commission says, "EU's trade policy is of exclusive competence and, therefore, unilateral actions are unacceptable."

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US First Lady Jill Biden (L) and Slovak President Zuzana Caputova pose for a photo prior talks inside the Presidential Palace in Bratislava on May 09, 2022. - The US First Lady is on a regional tour that included Romania, an unannounced visit to Ukraine and Slovakia, meant to be yet another display of American support for Ukraine and the countries assisting it in the wake of the Russian invasion. VLADIMIR SIMICEK/AFP via Getty Images

Poland, Hungary Initiate Ukraine Import Ban

Ukraine's agricultural goods have recently decreased in price, making them relatively cheaper than other European countries. The significantly more affordable pricing has triggered its neighbors to pause their imports.

Besides Slovakia, Poland and Hungary initiated the import ban. The two countries kicked off the ban on Ukraine grains to protect their farmers in their countries amid the meager prices of agriculture from the conflicted nation.

However, while Slovakia has banned some food products from Ukraine, it says it will still accept grains, according to Al Jazeera. The agriculture minister of Hungary, Sandor Farkas, told the EU that if it does place measures to protect its farmers, they are looking to extend the import ban on Ukrainian grain until June.

Meanwhile, the leader of the governing party in Poland, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, shared that their country is now grappling with a "moment of crisis." And as much as they support Ukraine, they prioritize the protection of their farmers.

Since then, Ukraine has already responded to the ban. Officials in the conflicted country say that while the farmers of Poland might be affected, Ukrainians are suffering much more.

Despite all these, the four European countries, including Ukraine, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia, will meet in the next few weeks to discuss pressing matters. Meanwhile, the representatives of the EU have yet to discuss the matter concerning import bans on Ukrainian goods.

It remains to be seen if another European nation plans to join Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary in banning food imports from Ukraine from protecting their agriculture.

Poland, Hungary, Ukraine
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