PETA Uses ChatGPT to Rewrite Bible’s Genesis With Vegan Teachings

Genesis was picked as the starting point for the "vegan" overhaul of the Bible.

Through the use of ChatGPT, PETA has created a "vegan" depiction of the Book of Genesis that highlights the lessons of veganism and animal rights.

The animal rights group encourages the use of plant-based materials for clothing, such as hemp and bamboo, rather than animal skins and changes the names "beasts" and "creatures" to "beings," Fox News reported.

According to PETA President Ingrid Newkirk, the Bible has historically been used as justification for oppression, and the new translation aims to make it very apparent that God would never condone animal abuse. Genesis was picked by the group as the starting point for the "vegan" overhaul.

In one instance from the PETA-revised Genesis Chapter 21, Abraham and Sarah, who in the original Bible were 100 and 90 years old, respectively, when they had Isaac, expand their family by bringing home a dog called Herbie, per PETA's press release.

Another example from Chapter 22 is when Abraham chooses to befriend a lamb rather than sacrifice a ram to show his regard for God's creation.

PETA Blasted in England Town

Meanwhile, a PETA billboard in Grimsby, England, has drawn controversy because it compares eating fish to violently eating a dead cat.

On the charity's billboard, situated on Grimsby Road in Cleethorpes next to the GR8 White Fish chip shop, two pictures change depending on the angle from which they are seen, Express reported. One picture shows a happy fishmonger holding a fish, whereas the other substitutes a dead cat for the fish.

While PETA wants to persuade people to think twice about eating fish, the controversial advertising has elicited opposing opinions in the town, with close ties to the fishing sector.

PETA, Bible, Christianity, Vegan, Veganism, Politics, Tech, United States