Jonah Hill ‘Hashtag 2’ With Jimmy Fallon Features Scorsese, Questlove, and #Blessed (VIDEO)

For his Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon debut, SNL vet Fallon sought out Jonah Hill to participate in a follow-up spot to the viral video "Hashtag."

In the skit, which aired on Fallon's third episode Wednesday night, Fallon and Hill sit on a green room leather couch and have a high-speed conversation comprised of hashtags.

The short was a follow-up to Fallon's first #Hashtag skit, which appeared on his previous show, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. The previous spot featured Fallon and Justin Timberlake letting off a slew of ridiculous hashtags, including #speakingofsmilingjustsawmydentist, #dentalcare, #cavityfree, #thatshowwedo, #wegohard and #wecantstop.

For this round of hashtag foolery, Fallon and Hill start out slowly: Fallon congratulates his fellow comedian for a "Wolf of Wall Street" Oscar nomination.

"Thanks, man," Hill responds, chuckling. "#Blessed."

Jonah then asks Fallon about his daughter, switching over to "#realtalk."

The two continue on, poking fun at peoples' liberal use of hashtags in everyday conversation.

Then they really let it fly, spewing such hashtags as #wherehavealltheyearsgone, #thinkaboutit, #thatswhenfriendsstarted, #throwbackthursday, #sippinonginandjuice.

Martin Scorsese then comes through the green room to remind them it's all #beendone.

Questlove finishes out the skit, popping in to silence the two hashtag-happy comedians.

Check out the video below. Was it funnier than the first skit starring Justin Timberlake?

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