A Colorado driver, suspected of driving under the influence, tried switching seats with his dog to evade arrest by the police, according to local law enforcement.
Unfortunately for the driver, his hopes of fooling the officer failed, and he now faces multiple charges after the incident.
Colorado Driver Tried Switching Seats With His Dog to Avoid Arrest

A Colorado driver's desperate attempt to avoid arrest took an unexpected twist. Armed with an unusual strategy, the motorist tried to switch seats with none other than his trusty four-legged companion, his dog.
Some might say the incident seemingly came straight from a wacky comedy film. However, this occurred in real life, according to the Colorado police.
As per a report by USA Today, the police in Colorado shares an incident wherein a suspected drunk driver attempted to create a peculiar excuse for using his furry pet to avoid getting arrested.
The Springfield Police Department shared the story on their Facebook account, saying that it started when an officer pulled over a vehicle in the Springfield area at around 11:30 pm. The officer stopped the car after reportedly cruising at 52 miles per hour (MPH) in a location that has a 30 MPH speed limit.
The police officer says he saw the suspect trade places with his dog before exiting his car from the passenger seat. The post says, "The driver attempted to switch places with his dog in the passenger seat" while the police officer walked towards the vehicle.
After exiting the passenger side of the vehicle, he told law enforcement that he was not the person behind the wheel of the speeding vehicle, according to the Facebook post.
Suspect Faces Multiple Chargers
Despite his peculiar alibi, the police still charged the drunk-driving suspect with driving under the influence and speeding.
Besides switching places with his dog and pretending to be a mere passenger, he tried to run away on foot when officers asked how much alcohol he consumed. However, the officer caught him once again. The FB post states, "The male party was apprehended quickly within 20 yards of the vehicle."
And because of this, law enforcement slapped him with a resisting arrest charge.
Besides these new charges, it turns out that the drunk driving suspect has two active warrants of arrest, according to KKTV.com. And as such, he also received a driving under suspension charge.
Although the Springfield Police Department shared the incident on their Facebook page, they did not reveal the identity of the drunk driving suspect.
Some might be concerned about what happens to the furry pet. The Colorado police assured everyone that they gave the dog of the suspect to an acquaintance of the driver to take care of the canine in the meantime.
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