Kim Jong-un has examined North Korea's initial military espionage satellite and approved its "future action plan." On Tuesday, the North Korean leader met with the "temporary satellite launch preparatory committee" before inspecting the satellite.
The satellite looks like a cylinder with many sides, coated in golden insulating material, and equipped with solar panels. However, the images are not perfectly clear.
Kim was photographed one month prior in front of a screen at the "National Aerospace Development Administration" (Nada), where something of a similar shape was displayed, but it was also blurry, as reported by The Guardian.
About a month ago, Kim announced that the satellite construction was finished and approved its launch. This news came shortly after Pyongyang launched a new intercontinental ballistic missile powered by solid fuel, which was considered a significant advancement in their prohibited weapons programs. It's important to note that both ICBMs and space launch technologies require the same type of technology.
Kim claimed that the US and South Korea were increasing hostile actions towards North Korea, which he referred to as "confrontational moves", and declared that his country would use its right to protect itself.
Kim has given his approval for the future action plan of the preparatory committee. As part of the key defence projects for 2021, the creation of a military reconnaissance satellite was included.
In December 2022, North Korea announced that it had conducted a crucial test for the creation of a surveillance satellite, which it planned to finish by April of the following year.
However, experts in South Korea were skeptical of the outcome, pointing out that the black-and-white images released by North Korea, which were allegedly taken from the satellite, were of low quality.
The exact date for the launch of the satellite by Pyongyang has not been disclosed.
In 2022, North Korea announced that it had become a nuclear power and that it would not consider giving up its nuclear weapons. However, experts suggest that North Korea would face difficulties in conducting satellite reconnaissance without assistance from Russia or China.
Read also: North Korea's First Spy Satellite Ready To Launch, Kim Jong Un Claims
What This Means
North Korea's announcement of a forthcoming surveillance satellite, coupled with its declaration of nuclear power status, raises concerns about the country's intentions and capabilities.
The low-quality images released by North Korea suggest that the satellite may not be as advanced as claimed, but any potential use of the technology for surveillance purposes is a cause for concern.
The lack of transparency surrounding the launch date and the need for assistance from other countries also highlights North Korea's isolation and reliance on allies.
The news of North Korea's satellite launch has sparked international concern over the country's growing military capabilities. The announcement comes as tensions continue to rise between Pyongyang and its neighbors, particularly South Korea and Japan.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has long sought to develop a nuclear arsenal as a means of deterring foreign aggression against his regime. However, the development of surveillance satellites is also seen by many analysts as an important step towards enhancing the country's intelligence gathering capabilities.
While some experts have cast doubts on North Korea's ability to deploy advanced space technology without assistance from Russia or China, others warn that any advancements in this area could pose significant security threats for neighboring countries and even further afield.
As such, there are calls for greater transparency around North Korea's plans for its new satellite system. This includes information regarding potential targets or areas where it may be used for reconnaissance purposes.
Despite concerns over its intentions and abilities however, some still hold out hope that dialogue can ultimately lead to peaceful resolution with regards to North Korean missile tests and other militaristic displays.
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