[VIDEO] Fisherman Captures Encounter With Massive Great White Shark off the Gold Coast

He was astounded by the enormous size of the shark encircling his boat.

Fisher Captures Encounter with Massive Great White Shark off the Gold Coast
A fisherman off the Gold Coast filmed a giant white shark's close encounter. Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

A fisherman off the Gold Coast caught a giant white shark's close encounter on video. Fishing enthusiast Rodney Pacitti got off guard when he saw the monster lying below the surface.

The enormous white pointer shark circled several kilometers off Broadbeach, a stunning sight, Daily Mail reported.

In the video, the fisher exclaims, "Oh s---, look at the size of this shark under me!" He was astounded by the enormous size of the shark encircling his boat. Even more impressively, according to NY Breaking, Pacitti could take a picture from above that showed the shark next to his boat and how long it was. The angler also expressed amazement that such a giant shark would be attracted to his bait.

Although it is common for fishermen to overstate the size of their catch, Rodney Pacitti had the chance to contrast the shark's enormous presence with his 4.5-meter boat, verifying the surreal experience. Even though the fisherman exercised caution the whole time, it's still unclear what happened.

The shark followed the boat before swimming up to the fisherman. After the interaction lasted around 15 minutes, Pacitti wasn't sure he was safe.

Earlier Shark Sighting

The incident follows a shark sighting in early May, a 1.5- to 2-meter shark was observed near Snapper Rocks, interrupting the Gold Coast Pro surfing tournament. Officials decided to pause the quarterfinals for 20 minutes to prioritize the surfers' safety, according to Gold Coast Magazine.

The organizers quickly pulled the surfers from the queue and began a comprehensive shark hunt. The quarterfinal between J Couzinet and T Bisso continued after 20 minutes of accurately scanning and tracking the monster outside the competition area.

Shark sightings are not prevalent in the seas off the Gold Coast, but it is not uncommon for surfers to see them when they are out on the ocean.

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Shark, United States, Animals, Science