NASA Says ‘UFO’ Spotted in Las Vegas Likely a Bright Meteor

Brace yourselves, conspiracy theorists, NASA has stepped in to solve a mysterious spotting in Las Vegas.

NASA says the mysterious object, suspected by many as a UFO, spotted flying over Las Vegas last May is likely to be a bright meteor.

In April, a Las Vegas Metropolitan Police officer's body cam captured a bright mysterious object in the sky.

NASA: 'UFO' Spotted in Las Vegas Likely a Bright Meteor

NASA logo
The silhouette of US engineer and NASA astronaut Megan McArthur is seen past the NASA logo in the Webb Auditorium at NASA headquarters in Washington, DC, on June 7, 2022. STEFANI REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images

According to Vice's Motherboard, the NASA planetary defense officer, Lindley Johnson, says the mysterious green fireball spotted flying above Las Vegas last month could be a bright meteor rather than a UFO.

Vice reports that the mysterious object has been filed under the fireball logs of the American Meteor Society instead of NASA's Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS).

Last May, ABC News reported that a family reached out to the 911 emergency hotline to complain about the crash in their backyard. They added that they saw a non-human creature about eight to 10 feet tall from the mysterious sighting.

The 911 caller says, "We just see in the corner of our eye something fall from the sky, and it was with lights, and when it hit down there was like a big impact, and we felt like an energy?" The caller also notes that the non-human creature is "very large" roughly 10 feet tall.

Las Vegas Police Hopes to Find the Aliens

A sign displays the NASA logo outside of NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, on June 15, 2022. STEFANI REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images

And indeed, Vice reports that a police officer's body camera captured a glowing green light seemingly falling from the sky, confirming the mysterious sighting.

However, the police say their officers failed to find anything after conducting their preliminary investigation. So the official closed the case as merely "unfounded."

One of the officers who responded to the scene felt nervous as they were on their way, as per South China Morning Post.

Despite that, Vice says that the Las Vegas police officers still hope that they can find the aliens in the future. The cops pointed out that the city is close to Area 51, a classified United States Air Force facility.

The South China Morning Post reports that the US Defense Department is looking into over 800 "unidentified aerial phenomena" cases, referred to by many as UFOs.

But for the recent case in Las Vegas, NASA says that it could potentially be a small meteor, roughly less than a meter, rather than UFO.

ABC News notes that the House Oversight Committee is now in the "early stages" of gearing up to kick off a hearing on these mysterious objects. It comes amid the unverified claims that the US government found what seems like an alien spacecraft.

Nasa, UFO, Las Vegas