An unconfirmed "transcript" of the communication between the doomed OceanGate submersible Titan and the mothership Polar Prince was allegedly leaked online, with claims it revealed the conversation between the two vessels before the Titan imploded and killed all five onboard, including OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush.
The Rundown
The Titan lost communication with the Polar Prince while descending to the site of the wreck of the Titanic on the morning of June 18. This triggered a multi-day multinational search effort which concluded on June 22 when authorities reported a "catastrophic implosion" likely happened the moment the sub lost contact with the mothership.
Last week, OceanGate announced through its website it was suspending all of its commercial operations until further notice.
The 'Transcript'
Since the incident, the case has continued to baffle and capture public attention, with several users on social media sharing the unconfirmed "transcript" or "log" and their perspectives about it, especially on TikTok and YouTube. The legitimacy and authenticity of the said comms have been contested and investigations remain inconclusive.
It was alleged the Titan last communicated with the Polar Price at 09:46 am on the morning of June 18.
"[R]eading red on the A power bus. I switched to B. [A]t 3457m more sounds aft," the alleged transcript logged what it claimed was the last message transmitted by the Titan.
Read Also: HNGN's Coverage of the OceanGate Titan Tragedy
The Verdict
Commenting on the transcript on Facebook, Parks Stephenson, initially thought the text was authentic until he found some inconsistencies.
Stephenson was identified as a Titanic explorer who worked with director James Cameron on Titanic-related projects, according to Insider.com.
"After the initial emotion passed and I took time to study the text more carefully, however, I could start to see certain incongruities," he said.
Stephenson also called the text "most likely nothing more than a cruel and cynical fantasy."
Meanwhile, Snopes.com provided an in-depth review of the supposed "transcript" and rated it as "Unproven" due to the lack of any substantial evidence and their findings have been inconclusive at the point of publication. The site also cited several key figures in the incident, such as Cameron.