France-Philippines Defense Cooperation Upgrade Expected; PH Could Receive Submarines

Philippines will receive submarines as part of the effort.

The France-Philippines defense cooperation upgrade will soon happen. As part of the defense enhancement effort, the French government is expected to supply the Philippines with submarines.

France-Philippines Defense Cooperation Upgrade to Happen

France-Philippines Defense Cooperation Upgrade to Happen; PH Receiving Submarines Part of Effort
The high seas patrol aviso Enseigne de Vaisseau Jacoubert patrols off the coast of Toulon on January 10, 2017 during a mission in the Mediterranean Sea, as part of the permanent surveillance of the French coast by 4,000 soldiers of the French Navy. ANNE-CHRISTINE POUJOULAT/AFP via Getty Images

According to CNN Philippines, the French government said that the rule of law in the Indo-Pacific region should be upheld.

Officials added that this is needed to avoid any activity that could lead to confrontation.

The French government shared these details as it aims to upgrade defense cooperation with the Philippines.

"I said many times our approach is non-confrontational and I think that is also the Filipino approach," explained Michele Boccoz, the outgoing French Ambassador to the Philippines.

She explained that this is because politically and geographically, France and the Philippines need to find a certain way to move forward without confrontation as much as possible.

Boccoz added that they are ready to explore all challenges of dialogue in the Indo-Pacific region but they still acknowledge the importance of maintaining a presence in the area so that navigation and overflight freedom will be maintained.

Philippines to Receive Submarines

France-Philippines Defense Cooperation Upgrade to Happen; PH Receiving Submarines Part of Effort
The high seas patrol aviso Enseigne de Vaisseau Jacoubert patrols off the coast of Toulon on January 10, 2017 during a mission in the Mediterranean Sea, as part of the permanent surveillance of the French coast by 4,000 soldiers of the French Navy. ANNE-CHRISTINE POUJOULAT/AFP via Getty Images

A submarine deal was reportedly made as part of the bilateral defense cooperation upgrade between the Philippines and France.

This means that the Philippines will receive submarines from the French government. Boccoz confirmed that there are ongoing discussions regarding France's submarine forces.

"An offer has been made by France which has been first considered and it's been asked to update the offer which has been done February or March," she added.

The official further stated that this shows that France is very keen to work with the Philippines.

Aside from submarines, the Philippine News Agency reported that France could also deploy more naval assets to further enhance its maritime interactions in the Philippines.

One of these vessels is the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier, which is expected to be deployed as early as 2025.

Boccoz said that the French government plans to conduct these naval asset deployments little by little for the next few years, confirming that France is already making preparations.

If you want to learn more about the France-Philippines defense cooperation upgrade, you can click this link.

France, Philippines