FBI Investigating Death Threat Against Detroit Police Chief James Craig

The FBI is investigating a death threat that was sent to Detroit Police Chief James Craig on Friday, WWMT reported.

Craig held a news conference on Sunday to discuss receiving the threat, which was posted on social media, and emphasized he will not be stepping down.

"The suspect made the statement in his street jargon, 'we need to clap him out,'" Craig said. "We will not be deterred. I will not be deterred, because the community and the police officers are counting on us."

He also suggested the threat represents the success the police department has had with busting drug rings. Since July, Craig said the police cracked down on five major drug operations.

"I will tell you that's having an impact on undermining these criminal organization's revenue streams," he said. "So they're angry."

He also thanked whoever posted the threat online.

"I want to thank him because this reinforces what we do," the chief said. "I'm the people's police chief. The people want me to do this."

Still, Craig promised to catch the person responsible.

"We will find you, and we're going to dismantle your criminal enterprise," he said. "This is not a Third World country. You can't just threaten a police chief. This is America. This is the city of Detroit. We've got some of the best police professionals anywhere in the world. When you threaten the chief, you threaten all of the officers."

The FBI is continuing to investigate.