Tucson Pizzeria Puts Up Sign: 'We Reserve The Right To Refuse Service To Arizona Legislators'

A pizzeria in Tucson, Arizona sent a message to politicians who recently passed a bill allowing businesses to refuse to serve gays and lesbians by letting politicians know they have the right to refuse to serve legislators, according to the New York Daily News.

Rocco's Little Chicago Pizzeria had a message for the politicians who supported a bill that allows business owners to refuse to serve gays and lesbians: "We reserve the right to refuse service to Arizona legislators," reads a sign outside the pizzeria, the Daily News reported.

"Funny how just being decent is starting to seem radical these days," the restaurant wrote as the photo caption on Facebook.

Owner Rocco DiGrazia said he was appalled that the bill, SB 1062, had passed through both houses of the Arizona legislature, according to the Daily News.

"The sentiment is that any expansion of discrimination is gonna hurt everybody and open the doors for more," DiGrazia said, the Daily News reported.

After DiGrazia posted his feelings about the bill on the restaurant's Facebook page, a follower turned his words into a sign, according to the Daily News. The pizza lover hit print, laminated the sign, and placed it front and center in his restaurant.

Since then, his message has gotten thousands of "likes" and customers are waiting in line for a chance to eat some deep dish and show their support, the Daily News reported.

On Saturday, about 250 protesters gathered outside Arizona's Capitol and demanded Governor Jan Brewer veto the legislation, according to the Daily News.

Republicans say the law is needed to protect people who have legitimate religious objections to gay marriage, but Democrats argue it will be a license to discriminate, the Daily News reported.

Some business owners say the bill will have profound negative effects on the state's economy, especially in light of the upcoming Super Bowl 2015, according to the Daily News.

"This legislation has the potential of subjecting the Super Bowl, and major events surrounding it, to the threats of boycotts," the Greater Phoenix Economic Council wrote in a letter, the Daily News reported.

DiGrazia says a number of his loyal customers are gay, as well as some of his wait staff, according to the Daily News.

"Why discriminate against anybody?" DiGrazia said, the Daily News reported. "I'm just trying to make some food."

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