Man Claims Hospital Abandons His Laboring Wife for Another Patient

A father claimed that a Florida hospital he rushed into with his laboring wife abandoned them when another patient who needed an emergency C-section arrived.

While having dinner on the night of Feb. 22, Indira Ali suddenly felt contractions coming in quick intervals. They immediately phoned in Elana Deutsch, M.D., her obstetrician, and were told to meet them at Bethesda Hospital East.

Upon arrival at the hospital, which they chose a couple of weeks before Indira's due date, the couple was directed in the labor room, breathing through the contractions. When they were transferred to the birthing room, Deutsch felt that the labor has stopped, so she placed Indira on Pitocin, a drug that induces contractions, the Palm Beach Post reported.

However, when another patient came needing an emergency C-section, Deutsch ordered to stop the infusion of Pitocin to hold the delivery of the baby until she returns.

Though the drug was placed on hold, it didn't stop the contractions. And when Indira was already screaming, probably for attention, the nurse told them to wait, said Zaheer Ali, Indira's husband, to the Palm Beach Post.

After a while, Indira was able to deliver baby Aaliyah, who weighs 6.3 lbs, through the help of Zaheer. Deutsch, on the other hand, came just in time to cut the umbilical cord.

"It must have happened very rapidly, because I was only in the C-section for 30 minutes," Deutsch told the Post.

"The patient was obviously very upset. I was very upset," Deutsch added. "I think it was a new nurse, and I think she was nervous about being in the room alone."

When asked further on the issue, Zaheer told the Post, "The hospital is saying, 'Sorry,' but I just feel it's wrong. It's a hospital. There are supposed to be nurses and midwives. A nurse should be there with you."

Lisa Kronhaus, spokesperson for the Hospital, declined to comment on the issue, citing patient privacy rules. However, she said that Indira and Aaliyah are doing well.

Kronhaus also told ABC News that the family was offered "special accommodations" at Bethesda Hospital East but couldn't tell if the family accepted it or if they are still in the hospital.