Fort Carson Soldier, Tariqka Sheffey, Posts Instagram Selfie While Avoiding Flag Salute

A soldier in Fort Carson is under fire for posting a selfie on Instagram while purposefully avoiding a flag salute, the Denver Channel reported.

Pfc. Tariqka Sheffey uploaded a picture of herself accompanied by the caption "This is me laying back in my car hiding so I don't have to salute the 1700 flag, KEEP ALL YOUR 'THATS SO DISRESPECTFUL/HOWRUDE/ETC.' COMMENTS TO YOURSELF cuz, right now, IDGAFFFF."

Though her Instagram account has been deleted, several people took screenshots of the image and caption before she was able to cover her tracks.

Dee McNutt, a spokeswoman for Fort Carson in Colorado, said a number of complaints have been flowing in ever since the picture spread.

"The chain of command is aware and looking into the situation," McNutt said. "That's really all I can say at this point."

According to the Army Times, screenshots of Sheffey's controversial image spread on several social media sites, prompting angry users calling for her to be fired.

"Any soldier who refuses to salute the flag is in the military for the wrong reason, and should be removed by dishonorable discharge with loss of all benefits," one Facebook commenter said. "If they won't salute it, they damn sure won't fight for it."

On Tuesday, Sheffey posted a video in which she apologized for her post.

"I seriously just want to say thank you to everybody who stood up to me today, like seriously. That s--- to me was not that serious. I am not a disrespectful soldier and I really appreciate you all."