High Levels Of Carbon Monoxide Prompt Evacuation Of NYC Subway Stop, Nearby Buildings

A subway stop and nearby buildings were evacuated in New York City on Wednesday due to high levels of carbon monoxide, the Wall Street Journal reported.

According to MTA spokesman Kevin Ortiz, smoke was reported at the subway stop at 34th Street and 7th Avenue after a close manhole fire.

A total of 75 people were evacuated from the stop and an unknown amount of building residents removed as well. According to the AP, one woman was transported to the hospital for minor smoke inhalation.

Ortiz said the 1, 2, and 3 trains have been avoiding the stop.

The FDNY said the incident began around noon. According to the Journal, heavy street traffic resulted from the emergency vehicles.

Over the weekend, a carbon monoxide leak at a Legal Sea Foods restaurant in Long Island left the manager dead and 19 others sick.