
Major Gaza Hospitals Shut Down as Israel-Palestine War Rages, Leaving Thousands of Patients, Babies, Medics Stranded

The hospitals in northern Gaza have been rendered inoperable due to both fuel shortages and the ongoing intense combat.

In Gaza, the humanitarian crisis has escalated to a critical level due to a succession of electrical shortages.

These shortages have now started to impact al-Shifa Hospital, which happens to be the largest medical facility in Gaza, as per Aljazeera.

Gaza Hospital Closures

People wait in tent shelters in the darkness as fuel for electricity generation runs out, outside Al-Shifa hopsital in Gaza City early on November 3, 2023, amid the ongoing battles between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas. DAWOOD NEMER/AFP via Getty Images

Six premature babies and nine other patients have tragically lost their lives as a result of this situation. In a recent statement, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, expressed grave concern over the current state of affairs, describing it as "dire and perilous."

Ghebreyesus has underscored the heightened vulnerability of various patient groups, including premature infants, who now face increased risks.

In a significant development, operations at Al-Shifa and al-Quds Hospital, the second-largest medical facility in Gaza, have stopped.

This closure comes amid ongoing violence, with reports of Israeli snipers firing at anyone near al-Shifa Hospital, effectively trapping thousands inside. The death toll in Gaza since October 7 has surpassed 11,100 due to Israeli attacks, while Hamas's attacks have resulted in over 1,200 deaths in Israel.

The crisis extends beyond al-Shifa, as none of the hospitals in the northern Gaza Strip are operational. This has left thousands trapped in al-Shifa, where the intense fighting between Israel and Hamas forces has severely hindered evacuations. The situation has been exacerbated by Israel's fuel embargo, leaving hospitals without sufficient power, food, or water.

The World Health Organization reported losing all communication with Al-Shifa Hospital after the fuel shortage intensified. With 37 premature babies at risk, the situation is increasingly desperate. The hospital, along with Al-Quds Hospital, is now out of service and is facing power outages that threaten the operation of essential medical devices like incubators and oxygen supplies.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel offered fuel to Al-Shifa Hospital, but it was refused. However, Dr. Marwan Abusada, a surgeon at the hospital, countered this statement, asserting that the amount offered was insufficient for the hospital's needs, according to France24.

Gaza Hospital Faces Fuel Shortage, Evacuation Challenges

According to him, the hospital requires at least 10,000 liters daily to run vital parts of the facility, whereas the IDF reportedly left only a fraction of this amount.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced evacuation routes from three hospitals in Gaza, including Al-Shifa, to allow safe passage southward. However, two doctors from Al-Shifa reported to NBC News that they were unaware of any evacuation plans or anyone leaving the hospital using the IDF-provided route.

The IDF stated that they left 300 liters of fuel outside Al-Shifa Hospital but claimed that Hamas prevented hospital staff from accessing it. This claim further complicates the already dire situation, as essential services like healthcare are caught in the crossfire of the ongoing conflict.

This unfolding humanitarian crisis in Gaza highlights the devastating impact of the conflict on civilians, particularly on vulnerable groups such as hospital patients and premature babies. The lack of adequate medical facilities and supplies, compounded by the ongoing violence and restrictions, underscores the urgent need for international intervention and support to address the immediate needs and ensure the safety of those affected, NBC News reported.

Gaza, Israel, Hamas
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