WHO Investigates Mysterious Pneumonia in China as Cases Increase—Will This Become Another Pandemic?

Will this be another global pandemic?

The World Health Organization is now investigating the mysterious pneumonia spreading across China. WHO officials said that the number of infected cases among Chinese children has been increasing for the past few months.

Because of this, many health experts are concerned about the possibility of this flu-like infection becoming another pandemic; the worst case scenario is being the illness as contagious and dangerous as COVID-19.

WHO Investigates Mysterious Pneumonia in China as Cases Increase

WHO Investigates Mysterious Pneumonia in China as Cases Increase—Will This Become Another Pandemic?
A mother puts a mask on her son at the Prince of Wales Hospital in Hong Kong, 17 March 2003, to protect against a mysterious outbreak of pneumonia which has now spread to other parts of the world. Eighty-three people in Hong Kong have been struck down with the disease. PETER PARKS/AFP via Getty Images

On Nov. 22, WHO released a report saying that Chinese officials from the National Health Commission confirmed an increase in respiratory disease infection cases in China.

The international health organization said that PRC's NHC authorities announced this alarming crisis during a recent press conference on Nov. 13.

"Authorities stressed the need for enhanced disease surveillance in healthcare facilities and community settings, as well as strengthening the capacity of the health system to manage patients," said WHO via its official website.

Because of this, WHO is now requesting China to provide detailed information regarding the flu-like illness, which Fortune Well describes as similar to the January 5 2020 letter, in which WHO also asked for more specific details about the pathogen that later became known as COVID-19.

WHO officials said that they already asked China on Wednesday, Nov. 22, to send additional epidemiological and clinical information, as well as lab results of the infected children.

The World Health Organization promised that it will maintain contact with Chinese scientists and clinicians through their existing technical partnerships and networks to learn more about this mysterious pneumonia.

What To Know About China's Mysterious Pneumonia

WHO Investigates Mysterious Pneumonia in China as Cases Increase—Will This Become Another Pandemic?
Two monks check-in at Hong Kong Chek lap Kok airport wearing masks to protect against a killer outbreak of pneumonia 16 April 2003. Flights in and out of the territory have been severely affected by the disease known as Severe Acute Respiratory Sydrome (SARS) with airlines canceling up to 40 percent of their flights. PETER PARKS/AFP via Getty Images

Chinese officials from NHC claimed that the rising flu-like cases in China are caused by the circulation of known pathogens, such as SARS-CoV-2, RSV, influenza, etc.

As of writing, China hasn't shared enough information regarding the pneumonia outbreak. This is why no evidence has proven that there's a new pathogen.

Dr. Michael Osterholm, the University of Minnesota's Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, explained that if the flu-like outbreak is caused by a new pathogen, then adults and kids would be affected equally.

Despite their explanation and the lack of proof, many health experts are still concerned that the mysterious pneumonia infections could lead to another COVID-19-like pandemic.

WHO, World health organization