Huddersfield railway station's cat Felix sadly died at 12. The TransPennine Express (TPE), the British train operating company managing the Huddersfield Station in West Yorkshire, confirmed this on Tuesday, Dec. 5.
The official Facebook page of Felix and Bolt (another railway cat) also disclosed the death of Felix. It said that a popular furry senior pest controller died peacefully on Sunday, Dec. 4.
Felix was loved by many Britons not just because she was a cat. But, because of her contributions when it comes to charity and how she puts a smile on people's faces during rough days.
However, TPE asked the public to allow the Huddersfield Station's staff, especially those who were close to the cat, to have their period of mourning.
The train operating company asked fans to refrain from visiting the station. Instead, they can leave their expressions of sympathy online via the official Facebook page of Felix and Bolt.
TPE confirmed that a fitting memorial will be arranged soon. Aside from this, the British train operator warned the public to avoid donating to any fundraisers claiming to honor Felix since they can't guarantee that the proceeds will go towards a Felix-approved charity.