Most Powerful Solar Flare Since 2017 Observed by NASA—Is This the Start of Rumored Internet Apocalypse?

Is this the start of the rumored internet apocalypse?

The most powerful solar flare since 2017 was observed by NASA, as well as other space and weather organizations. If you read the recent news, then you'll know that some rumors about the internet apocalypse have been circulating online, especially on TikTok and Twitter.

The discovery of the largest solar flare in six years could worry those who heavily rely on the internet and other communications services. But, the question is, is this really the start of the rumored global internet outage?

If you're one of the worried people, here's what you need to know about this alarming massive solar flare.

Most Powerful Solar Flare Since 2017 Observed by NASA

Most Powerful Solar Flare Since 2017 Observed by NASA—Is This the Start of Rumors Internet Apocalypse?
In this handout from NASA/Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), a X5.4 solar flare, the largest in five years, erupts from the sun's surface March 6, 2012. According to reports, particles from the flare are suppose to reach earth early March 7, possibly disrupting technology such as GPS system. NASA/Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) via Getty Images

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory said that it identified the largest solar flare since 2017. SDO, a space-based mission that NASA launched in 2010 to study the sun, said that the space event happened at 12:02 p.m. ET on Dec. 14.

According to Digital Trends' latest report, SDO's observation is a big deal for NASA and other space and weather organizations. This is because the mission was able to capture not only an image of the solar flare but also video footage of how it developed.

Based on NASA SDO's official footage, the solar flare came from the right side of the sun as it rotated counter-clockwise. Comparing it to the size of the solar system's star, the solar flare is quite tiny.

However, it emitted a very bright light that can easily be seen in SDO's video, which was recorded thanks to the AIA (Atmospheric Imaging Assembly) instrument. Aside from NASA, NOAA also talked about the massive solar flare.

How Serious Is This Giant Solar Flare?

Most Powerful Solar Flare Since 2017 Observed by NASA—Is This the Start of Rumors Internet Apocalypse?
In this handout from NASA/Solar Dynamics Observatory, a solar large flare erupts off the sun June 7, 2011 in space. A large cloud of particles flew up and then was pulled back down to the sun's surface. According to NASA, the event is not suppose have any effect once the particles reach the earth on either June 8 or June 9. NASA/Solar Dynamics Observatory via Getty Images

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said that this massive solar flare, which was categorized as an X2.8 flare, had a radio burst that's extensive it affected even the higher frequencies.

Because of this, the solar flare impacted radio signals in some parts of the U.S., as well as other sunlit areas of the world, for around two hours.

"These impacts were felt from one end of the nation to the other. Additionally, SWPC is analyzing a possible Earth-directed Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) associated with this flare," said NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center.

However, this doesn't mean that the internet apocalypse is already starting. In fact, NASA and other space agencies didn't mention anything about an internet apocalypse happening because of the worsening solar flares.

But, they did warn that solar flares are expected to become stronger in 2024, meaning that the disruptions they create could be worse.

Solar Flare, Nasa, Internet