Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu explained how the most-awaited Israel-Palestine peace can be achieved. As of writing, the war between Israel and Hamas is still ongoing.

As the battle between the Israeli government and the Palestinian terrorist group goes on, more and more innocent civilians are getting caught up.

Israeli PM Netanyahu Explains How To Achieve Israel-Palestine Peace: Hamas Elimination, Gaza Demilitarization, More
(Photo: JACK GUEZ/AFP via Getty Images)
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivers a speech during his visit to an Israeli unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) center, at the Palmachim Airbase near the city of Rishon LeZion on July 5, 2023.

After the 7-day ceasefire, which ended on Dec. 1, the Israel Defense Forces continued their counteroffensives; launching airstrikes and other attacks across the Gaza Strip.

Now, Netanyahu outlined three prerequisites that he claimed can lead to peace between Israelis and Palestinians. Here's what the prime minister said.

Israeli PM Netanyahu Explains How to Achieve Israel-Palestine Peace

On Dec. 25, Benjamin Netanyahu posted an op-ed, via The Wall Street Journal, to explain how peace between Israel and Palestine can be achieved.

"Hamas must be destroyed, Gaza must be demilitarized, and Palestinian society must be deradicalized," he said via his official WSJ op-ed.

"These are the three prerequisites for peace between Israel and its Palestinian neighbors in Gaza," added the Israeli prime minister.

However, some experts pointed out issues in the article of Benjamin Netanyahu. One of these is that the Israeli leader didn't mention the release of hostages, as reported by The Times of Israel.

They said that including hostage releases is important since the Hamas terrorist group still has over 129 hostages, who were kidnapped since the deadly attack on Oct. 7.

Another issue they saw was the lack of solutions benefiting Palestine. Based on Netanyahu's op-ed, he didn't mention anything about a two-state solution or even a Palestinian-state resolution.

This just shows that Benjamin Netanyahu is strongly against allowing Palestinian authorities to continue governing the Gaza Strip. If ever the war comes to an end, there's a chance that Israel will still prevent the Palestinian Authority from ruling Gaza.

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Achieving Israel-Palestine Peace

Israeli PM Netanyahu Explains How To Achieve Israel-Palestine Peace: Hamas Elimination, Gaza Demilitarization, More
(Photo: MAHMUD HAMS/AFP via Getty Images)
A missile explodes in Gaza City during an Israeli air strike on October 8, 2023. Israel, reeling from the deadliest attack on its territory in half a century, formally declared war on Hamas Sunday as the conflict's death toll surged close to 1,000 after the Palestinian militant group launched a massive surprise assault from Gaza.

Benjamin Netanyahu explained how the three prerequisites he provided can be achieved. Here's what the Israeli leader said.

Eliminating Hamas

  • The U.S., Germany, France, the U.K., and other ally countries must support Israel's efforts to eliminate all Hamas terrorists.

Demilitarizing the Gaza Strip

  • Netanyahu said that the Gaza Strip should not be used as a base to attack the country ever again once Hamas terrorists are all exterminated.

Deradicalizing Palestinians

  • The third prerequisite requires educating Palestinian children to value life over death. Benjamin added that imams should stop preaching for murder of Jews once Hamas terrorists are eliminated. 

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