TSA: Over 6,700 Guns at Airport Security Checkpoints Recorded; More Than 93% of Firearms Were Loaded

TSA officials are now concerned.

TSA announced that it found over 6,700 guns at numerous airport security checkpoints in 2023 alone. The Transportation Security Administration said this record number of firearms surpassed those in 2022.

On Thursday, Jan. 10, TSA published a press release explaining why the rising number of guns and other deadly weapons at airports is concerning.

TSA: Over 6,700 Guns at Airport Security Checkpoints Recorded; More Than 93% of Firearms Were Loaded
Transportation Safety Administration agents guard a security checkpoint as passengers prepare to pass through the metal detector at John F. Kennedy (JFK) airport August 27, 2003 in New York City. Stephen Chernin/Getty Images

Aside from increasing numbers, the Transportation Security Administration also said that most recorded firearms were loaded.

TSA: Over 6,700 Guns at Airport Security Checkpoints Recorded

Via its official press release, TSA said that it intercepted a total of 6,737 guns at airport security checkpoints. This is almost 200 firearm units higher than those in 2022, which were 6,542.

The transportation safety management said that around 93% of the recorded guns in 2023 were loaded.

"Approximately 93% of these firearms were loaded. This total surpasses the previous year's record of 6,542 firearms stopped at checkpoints and represents the highest one-year total in TSA's history," said TSA.

According to Yahoo News' latest report, this record-setting number of guns at airports concerns TSA Administrator David Pekoske, who said that they are still seeing "far too many" guns at TSA checkpoints.

He added that the most concerning thing about these firearms is that many of them were loaded with bullets, which could endanger the lives of other passengers.

Pekoske said that carrying loaded guns at airports presents an unnecessary risk to other individuals at TSA's security checkpoints.

Guns At Airports Alarmingly Increase

TSA: Over 6,700 Guns at Airport Security Checkpoints Recorded; More Than 93% of Firearms Were Loaded

(Photo : Stephen Chernin/Getty Images)

The Transportation Safety Administration said that over 1,000 guns were found at just three airports. During the 4th quarter of 2023 (ending on December 31), TSA said that it halted 1,665 guns at airport security checkpoints.

On average, TSA officials recorded around 18 firearms per day. They said that they don't necessarily confiscate these guns.

TSA explained that when a transportation security officer (TSO) finds a firearm at a security checkpoint, he/she will immediately contact law enforcement.

Law enforcement authorities can remove the passenger and the gun from the checkpoint area to conduct an investigation. They can also arrest the traveler or cite them depending on local laws.

However, the Transportation Safety Administration can't confiscate these guns. Instead, TSA can fine passengers who bring firearms to an airport security checkpoint.

Violators can face a civil penalty of up to $15,000. Aside from this, they could also have their TSA PreCheck eligibility removed for at least five years.

But, Pekoske said that passengers can still bring their guns only if:

  • Their firearms are not loaded
  • The guns are properly secured in a locked, hard-sided case in their checked baggage.
  • They first declare their firearms to the airline at the check-in counter.
Tsa, Firearms