According to a recent report from Reuters, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated Tuesday that Ukraine's statehood is at risk of receiving what he described as an "Irreplaceable blow" should the current path of the conflict continue and that Russia wouldn't be put in a position to leave behind the gains it has made thus far.

The Full Statement
These comments were televised just a day after Switzerland had agreed to host a global summit requested by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Putin dismisses what he referred to as the "so-called" Western and Ukrainian "peace formulas," heightening concerns for Ukraine's independence. He's also described these talks as "Prohibitive demands". Putin also stated the following "Well, if they don't want (to negotiate), then don't!". His statement continued with "Now it is quite obvious, not only (Ukraine's) counter-offensive failed, but the initiative is completely in the hands of the Russian armed forces. If this continues, Ukrainian statehood may suffer an irreparable, very serious blow."
Putin's words have recently come off as boastful which is expected because at this time of writing Russia is currently in control of 17.5% of Ukrainian territory. Putin described recent negotiations as "an attempt to motivate us to abandon the gains that we have realized over the past year and a half. But this is impossible. Everyone understands that this is impossible."
It is unclear what Putin described as an "irreparable blow" would entail for Ukraine but after recent meetings with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and with high-level diplomats, Choe Son Hui and Sergey Lavrov, also having meetings regarding potential arms trades.
However, the United States has already accused the Russian military of using North Korean ballistic missiles but these accusations were ultimately dismissed by both North Korea and Russia. It's clear that more support for Ukraine will be needed especially with Russian airstrikes placing a heavy burden on Ukraine's air defense capabilities and overall aid from allies seemingly coming to a halt. But it is also clear that neither one of the two will come quietly. Hopefully, there will be an agreement that satisfies both Zelensky and Putin.