CNN’s NH GOP Primary Debate Scrapped After Haley, Trump Refuse to Join

Nikki Haley insisted that she would only attend a debate if Donald Trump was also in it.

The New Hampshire leg of the televised Republican presidential debates will not go through as scheduled after the three top contenders - Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, and Ron DeSantis - refused to face each other off in the aftermath of the Iowa Caucus.

It was earlier reported that ABC News canceled its televised debate after Haley insisted that she would only appear at a debate only if Trump or US President Joe Biden was there.

Politico reported that the former president skipped every GOP primary debate since the race began, though he said that he would debate one of his Republican primary rivals if the race was "very close" after the New Hampshire primary.

CNN’s NH GOP Primary Debate Scrapped After Haley, Trump Refuse to Join
JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images

CNN to Host Haley for Town Hall Program

A spokesperson for CNN said on Wednesday (January 17) that the network was canceling the debate scheduled for Sunday (January 21) "as only one qualifying candidate accepted our invitation to take the stage," with that one being DeSantis.

The DeSantis campaign team did not immediately respond to reporters' requests for comment but said on Tuesday (January 16) that Haley was "afraid to debate because she doesn't want to answer the tough questions" and also accused her of running to become Trump's vice president.

In lieu of a debate, CNN would host a town hall with Haley on Thursday (January 18) at 21:00 EST (02:00 UTC) in New Hampshire. DeSantis already attended a town hall with the network earlier in the week.

Us, White House, Republican Party, Republicans, GOP, Donald Trump, Cnn, New Hampshire