New Jersey Teenager Mauled To Death By 115-Pound Bullmastiff

A 13-year-old boy in New Jersey was mauled to death by a 115-pound bullmastiff on Friday afternoon, the New York Daily News reported.

According to authorities, the ferocious dog, Trigger, was "humanely euthanized" following the incident and had previously attacked another teenager and it's owner.

The teen was with a friend when the dog was let loose and jumped at them, biting one of them in the hand and chasing them after they split in separate directions.

The body of the 13-year-old was discovered around 11 p.m. after his parents reported him missing. His remains were reportedly discovered behind the house where Trigger lived owner, owned by Paul Clarke, in Paterson.

Officials said the dog also bit it's owner in the hand shortly after he attacked the boys. Paterson Animal Control Officer John DeCando said the owner had to stab his dog several times in order to stop him.

"Who knows what happened?" DeCando said to The Record. "A child is dead. And I can't comprehend that."

"The dog should have never been on the street," he said. "In 37 years, this is the worst that I've seen."

The Daily News reported that a necropsy was scheduled for the dog to see if it contracted rabies before the attacks.

The second boy was treated at St. Joseph's Regional Medical Center and released. The dog's owner was also treated and released.

The names of the victims and owner have not been released.