Walt Disney Company Ends Funding To Boy Scouts Over Gay Policy

The Walt Disney Company announced on Friday that they will no longer provide funding to the Boy Scouts of America over their policy on openly gay troop leaders, the New York Daily News reported.

All funds sent from Disney's VoluntEARS program to the Boy Scouts will end by 2015.

On Jan. 1, after years of activism inside and outside of the organization, gay kids were finally allowed into the BSA. However, leaders are still prohibited from being openly gay, drawing criticism from pro-LGBT supporters.

The Boy Scouts did not take the news well.

"We are disappointed in this decision because it will impact our ability to serve kids," BSA spokesman Deron Smith said in a statement.

Disney is not the only large corporation that decided to drop funding over the issue. They join Lockheed Martin, Caterpillar, Major League Soccer, Merck, Intel, and UPS in dropping donations.

Through the company's VoluntEARS program, employees can volunteer for organizations in exchange for cash donations to their favorite charities, which BSA will no longer be eligible for.

According to the Daily News, employees that participated in the VoluntEARS program raised $4.8 million in 2010.

Social media sites like Twitter blew up with both support and disapproval following the news.

"Way to go, Disney. The boyscouts need an attitude adjustment," tweeted one user.

"DISNEY wont help fund BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA BCAUSE of BSA refusal 2 allow GAY Scout Leaders. Send Ur Tweet to DISNEY: NO MORE MAGIC KINGDOM," another user said.