Truckers for Trump Plan To Boycott NYC in Protest of Donald Trump's Civil Fraud Conviction

Truckers for Trump reportedly planning to boycott NYC after judge orders Donald Trump to pay $355 million fine.

Truckers for Trump are protesting the former United States President Donald Trump's civil fraud conviction by shutting down the flow of supplies to the region.

The development comes after the Republican businessman was ordered to pay a fine of $355 million for inflating the values of his assets to deceive bankers and insurers. The rumors of shutting down supplies to the country's largest city started on Friday.

Truckers for Trump Plan To Boycott NYC in Protest of Donald Trump's Civil Fraud Conviction
Truckers for Trump are allegedly planning a boycott of New York City following the civil fraud conviction of former United States President Donald Trump which orders him to pay a $355 million fine. Scott Olson/Getty Images

This was when trucker and influencer "Chicago Ray" posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, where he angrily claimed to have spoken to 10 drivers who were also upset about the verdicts against the former president.

Chicago Ray said, "You f*** around and find out. We're tired of you motherf***ing f***ing with Trump." The trucker noted in a separate post on social media that his advice to New York residents is to start stocking up on supplies because he claimed there are millions of Truckers for Trump telling officials to leave Trump alone, as per MSN.

A Manhattan judge on Friday ordered Trump to pay the massive fine due to shady business practices that included inflating and deflating the value of his properties. A jury last month agreed that the former president owes writer E. Jean Carrol $83.3 million for defamation after he continued to speak badly about her after he was found responsible for sexually assaulting her three decades ago.

After the initial message went viral, Chicago Ray took down his post and walked his comments back a few steps on Monday. He said that he was not a figurehead and was not the leader of any movement. He said that he heard chatter and wanted to let people know about what he heard.

The trucker told his roughly 241,000 social media followers that he was not encouraging anyone to do anything and claimed that he removed his original post because his grandson became upset. However, his sentiments were amplified by social and traditional media.

Supporting Donald Trump

Chicago Ray's initial video message gained traction and on Sunday morning, the phrase "Boycott NYC" was trending on X, with more than 13,000 posts mentioning the term. It remains unclear whether or not the boycott will actually manifest but Chicago Ray was not the only to voice his opposition to the latest ruling, according to the Independent.

Elena Cardone, the wife of wealthy real estate investor Grant Cardone, created a GoFundMe page that was called "Stand with Trump: Fund the $355M Unjust Judgment." In a post on social media, her husband explained that all of the funds raised would be forwarded to Trump Org for his defense of the "ridiculous judgment."

In response to his loyalists expressing their opposition to the civil fraud ruling, the former president said, "Such an honor to have so many Great Patriots on the side of FREEDOM!" in a post on his social media platform, Truth Social.

On Saturday night, the Republican businessman celebrated the trucker campaign that Chicago Ray started. He also said that President Joe Biden's unfair and dangerous weaponization of law enforcement is a serious threat to Democracy, said Yahoo News.

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Donald Trump, New York City, New York, Nyc