Putin SONA 2024: Russian President Accuses West of Trying to Destroy Russia

Here are other things Putin said during his SONA.

Russian President Vladimir Putin began his SONA (State of the Nation Address) weeks before the Russian presidential election this 2024.

His SONA comes as new polls revealed that Russian citizens who support the invasion of Ukraine are drastically decreasing. He said many things during his SONA.

Among these is claiming that the West is trying to destroy Russia. Here's what the Russian ruler exactly said in his State-of-the-Nation-Address 2024.

Vladimir Putin SONA 2024: West Accused of Trying To Destroy Russia

According to The Guardian's latest report, Vladimir Putin accused the West of trying to destroy his nation. He claimed that the U.S. and other Western nations want to contain Russia's development.

"The so called West with its so colonialist tendencies is striving not only to contain our development but they are intent on destroying us and using our space for whatever their purposes are including Ukraine," explained the Russian ruler.

Vladimir Putin further stated that Western countries are very determined to weaken the Russian nation and introduce division among their people.

He told Russian citizens they would defend their independence and freedom against the West. Vladimir Putin added that it is up to Russia's people how their way to the future will be determined.

Aside from making accusations against the West, he also warned them that Russia has weapons that can strike targets on their territory.

"We remember what happened to those who sent their forces to our country. Now consequences for interventionists will be far more tragic," said the Russian leader via EuroNews.

Russia Targets NATO As Well

Aside from the West, Vladimir Putin also targeted NATO, claiming that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization members are preparing to strike Russian territories.

He explained that if NATO do attack Russia, Moscow will fight back, which could trigger a nuclear war.

"But we remember the fate of those who tried to invade our territory and of course their fate will be much more tragic than anything that we could face," said Putin.

He added that NATO should remember that Russia also has weapons that can be used to defeat them on their own territories. Vladimir further stated that NATO is creating a very dangerous situation that can lead to a war that would involve nuclear weapons.

To learn more about Vladimir Putin's 2024 SONA, you can click this link.

Vladimir putin, West, Russia