Maryland Senate Passes Bill Prohibiting Transgender Discrimination

The Maryland Senate passed a bill on Tuesday prohibiting the discrimination against gender identity in employment, housing, public accommodations, and credit, reported.

The state lawmakers voted 32 -15 on the Fairness for All Marylanders Act, with 31 Democrats and one Republican supporting it and 11 Republicans and four Democrats opposing it.

The bill will move on to the state's House of Representatives.

Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin released a statement following the news of the bill's success so far.

"No one should ever have to worry about losing their job or accessing safe and affordable housing simply because of who they are. We hope Maryland's fair-minded lawmakers will act on this critical bill quickly," Griffin said.

Other transgender advocates applauded the Senate for passing the bill.

"With their vote, 32 Senators stood up to say no one should be denied the opportunity to work for a living, secure housing or eat lunch at a restaurant just because of their gender identity," said Carrie Evans of Equality Maryland.

According to the Baltimore Sun, four localities -- Baltimore city and Baltimore, Howard and Montgomery counties -- have already banned transgender discrimination, though there has never been a state law prohibiting it.

"I think we're ready to move ahead and be progressive," said Sen. Delores G. Kelly, a Democrat from Baltimore County.