Super Tuesday 2024: Joe Biden Wins First-Ever Mail-In Iowa Democratic Caucus

The preliminary results have been released by the Iowa Democratic Party.

President Joe Biden emerged victorious in Iowa's inaugural mail-in Democratic presidential caucus, as per unofficial results released on Tuesday afternoon.

Biden secured 91% of the vote, with Democrats choosing his name on 11,083 of the 12,207 preference slips received and processed through Tuesday, as per USA Today.

Iowa Democrats Favor Biden in Mail-In Vote

The Iowa Democratic Party has opted for a mail-in system to determine the state's presidential preferences, resulting in the release of preliminary results indicating President Biden as the preferred candidate. The unconventional approach comes in the wake of a calendar restructuring between the 2020 and 2024 presidential election cycles, leading to Iowa and New Hampshire losing their coveted positions as the first caucus and first primary of the Democratic presidential nominating calendar in 2023.

As per the Iowa Democratic Party, President Biden received 11,083 votes, ensuring all 40 of Iowa's delegates. It is worth mentioning that a higher number of Democrats (480) voted uncommitted compared to those who supported other candidates. Former Rep. Dean Phillips received 362 votes, while Marianne Williamson, who ended her campaign in February, got 268 votes.

This year marks a significant departure for Iowa Democrats, who did not declare their presidential preferences during the first in the nation caucuses, adopting a compromise reached with the Democratic National Committee in October. Rita Hart, the Chair of the Iowa Democratic Party, emphasized that the shift from in-person caucuses to a mail-in system is a permanent change.

Hart stated that the process, implemented for the first time this year, went smoothly and accommodated individuals with various scheduling and accessibility constraints, according to Iowa Capital Dispatch.

Iowa Mail-In Voting

The mail-in system allowed Iowans to cast their votes without the constraints of work, family conflicts, or adverse weather conditions. The flexibility of this approach was especially beneficial for those working third shift, individuals with small children lacking evening childcare, and those with disabilities facing challenges in finding care to go out in the evenings.

Despite concerns about the return rate, with only 2.5 percent of nearly 467,000 registered Democrats participating, Rita Hart underscored the importance of providing an inclusive and accessible platform for Iowa voters. Approximately 19,000 Iowa Democrats requested preference ballots, with over 12,000 turned in as of Tuesday morning, reflecting a 63 percent return rate.

The Iowa caucus results, announced on Super Tuesday, set the stage for the 2024 presidential race. While President Biden's nomination seemed inevitable due to the incumbent advantage, the mail-in system allowed for broader participation and representation of diverse voices within the Democratic Party.

This year's mail-in system provided Iowans with a convenient way to participate and ensured inclusivity in the nominating process, unlike the previous in-person caucuses. As the results came in, it was clear that this new approach would become an established part of the Democratic Party campaign in Iowa, serving as a model for next elections and guaranteeing increased voter registration.

Joe Biden, Iowa