Jab Overdose? German Man Claims to Have Gotten COVID Vaccine 217 Times

Researchers found no adverse effects on the man despite getting more than sufficient COVID jabs.

Doctors reported that a 62-year-old man from Germany received 217 COVID-19 vaccines against medical advice.

According to a study published in the journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases, the shots were bought and given privately to the subject within the space of 29 months.

Researchers from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg said that the man appeared to have suffered no ill effects.

"We learned about his case via newspaper articles," Dr. Kilian Schober, from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg microbiology department, said. "We then contacted him and invited him to undergo various tests in Erlangen. He was very interested in doing so."

The man provided fresh blood and saliva samples to the researchers and tested them against some frozen blood samples that had been stored in recent years.

"We were able to take blood samples ourselves when the man received a further vaccination during the study at his own insistence," Schober added. "We were able to use these samples to determine exactly how the immune system reacts to the vaccination."

The public prosecutor of the city of Magdeburg collected evidence for 130 of the jabs. He opened an investigation into the allegation of fraud, but no criminal charges were brought.

COVID-19 vaccines could not cause infection but could teach the body how to fight the disease.

Messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccines work by showing the body's cells a bit of genetic code from the virus. The immune system should recognize and know how to fight COVID if they encounter it.

Schober worried that hyper-stimulating the immune system with repeated doses might have fatigued certain cells. However, the researchers found no evidence of such in the study subject, and there was no sign that he had ever been infected with COVID, the BBC reported.

Nevertheless, the researchers discouraged everyone from getting hyper-vaccinated, as the results of their tests on their research subjects were insufficient to make far-reaching conclusions or recommendations for the general public.

Germany, Europe, Pandemic
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