Lola Glaudini Accuses Johnny Depp of Verbal Harassment on ‘Blow’ Sets

Allegations of Johnny Depp's on-set behavior resurface amidst podcast revelations.

Actress Lola Glaudini told an incident from the set of the movie 'Blow,' in which Johnny Depp allegedly chastised her for giggling during a take. This story appeared in an earlier this year release of the 'Powerful Truth Angels' podcast that has been doing the rounds lately.

Glaudini, who had a small role in a scene alongside Johnny Depp, revealed that she received specific instructions from director Ted Demme to spontaneously burst into laughter when Depp delivered a particular line during filming.

Lola Glaudini Reveals Verbal Abuse by Johnny Depp on Set

In a recent interview, actress Lisa Glaudini discussed her experience of having been subjected to verbal abuse while working on a film set with Johnny Depp.

Glaudini, who is known for her work in smaller films, spoke about her uncomfortable experience on a podcast. She said that she had a distressing meeting with Depp on the first day of production.

Providing a thorough account of what happened, Glaudini described how Depp, popular for his immersive acting style, reportedly became aggressive towards her following a scene. "I hear the cue, and I go haha, I do a big laugh or whatever," she recounted, explaining Depp's alleged aggression towards her.

Glaudini said that Depp verbally attacked her, accusing her of diverting attention and interfering with his performance. She conveyed her sense of separation after the happening, expressing frustration at the lack of support from the production team.

Glaudini recalls that she was taken aback and unclear by Depp's unexpected outburst, especially considering it was true that she had quite a bit of respect for him as a professional actor. She recognized the difficulty of controlling her tears, but she made the decision to keep calm, following the advice that her father had given her to be resilient in trying circumstances, according to Variety.

Johnny Depp's Attempted Apology

Furthermore, Glaudini said that Depp tried to cover up the argument with what she described as a hesitant apology.

As per her statement, Depp approached her later in the day and explained that his behavior was due to the difficulties of staying in character with a Boston accent. In spite of his attempts to make corrections, Glaudini maintained her composure, following the advice of her father.

The actress also explained her disappointment in the lack of intervention from the late director Jonathan Demme, indicating her feeling of being left behind after the incident. She expressed her feelings of being excluded from the cast and crew, describing herself as part of Depp's a temper.

The new assertions caused another look of Depp's behavior during filming and have caused worries about the treatment of other performers in the set.

Meanwhile, Johnny Depp's representative addressed Lola Glaudini's claims of verbal assault on 2001's Blow set. Depp's representative told Deadline, "Johnny always prioritizes good working relationships with cast and crew and this recounting differs greatly from the recollection of other members on set at the time."

Johnny Depp