After more than 10 days of searching for missing college student Riley Strain, his family is now facing some tough discussions.
"Put yourself in our shoes," Chris Whiteid, Strain's stepfather, said in an interview with ABC News on Wednesday.
"Your family, your brother, your sister -- they've been missing for almost two weeks."
Riley Strain's Disappearance
A 22-year-old senior at the University of Missouri, Riley Strain, disappeared on March 8 following a night out in Nashville.
Riley Strain and his Delta Chi fraternity brothers decided to explore Nashville's vibrant Broadway area during their fraternity formal.
A body camera recording of Strain having an interaction with a police officer at around 9:50 p.m. has been made public by the authorities, and there is no evidence to suggest that there was any kind of misbehavior that occurred during the interview.
The bank card used by Strain was found on Sunday along the embankment that serves as a connection between Gay Street and the Cumberland River. The find was made in a close distance to Riverfront Park.
To conduct a comprehensive search, the authorities used different approach, including research performed on foot, surveillance conducted by drones, and boat trips, which included the use of sonar-equipped boats.
An additional group, the United Cajun Navy, has made their way to Nashville to provide assistance and is currently coordinating volunteers. According to David Flagg, the United Cajun Navy is actively conducting a thorough search of the river and implementing a well-coordinated effort on the ground, according to Delta News.
Read Also: TikTok Livestream Discovers Missing College Student Riley Strain's Credit Card
Search Expands Beyond Nashville
The search continues to expand beyond Nashville. About 30 miles downstream from where Strain was last seen, officials have closed a dam to look through debris.
There is a lot of hope in what will take place in the police investigation, the city's help, and the citizen searches. Whiteid thinks that "someone saw something, someone knows something," and that person just needs to recognize that they need to tell them what they saw or know.
On Saturday, March 9, his friend was the one who reported that Strain was missing. Over the period of the ongoing search for the college student who had gone missing, the police made a statement on Sunday, March 17, that Strain's bank card had been discovered on the embankment that is located between Gay Street and the Cumberland River.
A nonprofit organization known as the United Cajun Navy, which frequently undertakes search and rescue missions in the aftermath of natural disasters, recently made the announcement that it would be assisting in the organization of search groups.
Strain's family describes him as having blue eyes, blonde hair, and a slim physique. He stands six feet five inches tall. Please get in contact with the Manchester Police Department at the number 615-862-8600 if you happen to come across Strain or if you have any information that could be concerning his whereabouts, WBTW reported.
Related Article: Riley Strain: Missing Missouri Student's Bank Card Found Near Nashville River Days After Being Kicked Out of Bar as Search Continues